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Expressions of the Pamir Program Notes
Islam and the Challenges of the New Millenium
Muslims in Canada - A Century of Achievement
Obituary - Zarin Parpia
Free University
Prize for Junior Scholars
Expressions of the Pamir on CNN
Ya Ali Madad Everyone!Our Ismaili brothers and sisters from Tajikistan have been touring major cities in the U.S. with their energetic performances and stealing everyone's hearts. Meanwhile, I've been busy building a section on Tajikistan on my web site and I have found that there is a lot I have to yet prepare and share and decided to let you know some tidbits via my current events page. I didn't get to watch the performances in Houston as the afternoon show was sold out and the evening ones were too late in the evening to be feasible for my children. However, all my friends and family send me their comments and I've included some of these below. If you've missed it too, you can watch their entourage being covered on TV this weekend and here is a note I send out to all my friends yesterday.
Just to let you know that CNN International plans to run the news package on "Expressions of the Pamir" this weekend on Inside Asia. I'm sending copies of this message to everyone I have been in touch with by e-mail. You may want to pass on the information to others.
The program airs at these times (all U.S. Eastern Standard Time for convenience, but I've also mentioned which regions will see the show).
Friday March 26:
7.30 PM (On Asia Feed)
Saturday March 27:
6:30 AM (On Asia Feed)
6:00 PM (On U.S. feed -- same channel as CNN fn)
6:30 PM (On Asia Feed)
Sunday March 28:
12:30AM (On Asia Feed)
Again, this program normally runs in these time slots, but news
developments could disrupt some programming.
Nina Jaffer
Ismailis from Tajikistan perform in the U.S.From: Sweeti9364@aol.com
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 00:05:33 ESTThe PAMIR project is one of the best projects that i have worked in. The
exhibition is one of the best i have witnessed. Well the tajikis come a week
before your actual show and exhibition is. They stay with which ever ismaili
is their host. You see them in khane pretty often and they recite qasidas a
couple of times. There are about 14 men and 8 women. They have the most
unique culture. Their weddings are very different from ours, their music,
their clothes their food etc. On the day of the cutural show, they perform
their dances and at the end they pull up everyone on stage to dance with them
on their tajiki music. The exhibition is one of a kind. It features aspects
of teh shocial and home life of the ismailis in tajikikistan, they show all
the gifts presented to hazar imam, and their paintings and historical
artifacts and objects.Wait till it comes to you guys, I enjoyed working at the exhibition and
luckily i was invited to a couple of dinners with the tajikis, and i learnt
alot more about them there.I dont want to spill all the juicy stuff, you see it for yourself and make
your own conclusionsKarima :-)
Conference on Islam and the Challenges of the New MilleniumDate: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 13:21:10 -0500
From: Laila Moosabhoy <lmoosabh@ed.brocku.ca>
To: info@amaana.org
Subject: Conference on Islam and the Challenges of the New Millenium (fwd)Hi Nina and Gafoor,
Could you please somehow add what is below to your What's new section on
your Guestbook..Also there is an Ismaili IT association located at www.aitpa.org Would it
be possible to have a link tho this page as well..Thanking you,
We are writing to invite you to a conference on "Islam and the Challenges
of the New Millennium" at McGill University in Montreal on April 9 and 10,
1999. This conference is being sponsored by McGill University, the
Council of the Muslim Community of Canada, National Federation of
Pakistani Canadians, Pakistan Association of Quebec Inc., and His Highness
Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada.As we approach the dawn of a new century, many of us look with renewed
hope and optimism towards a future where peoples of all faiths have a
greater understanding of and respect for their own and each other's
beliefs. Our shared values and divergence contribute towards the
increasingly pluralistic society in which we live. Just as Islam has made
a significant contribution to human civilizations in the past, there is a
huge opportunity to learn from its strong humanistic tradition and the
underlying ethics and values as we move into the new millennium.The conference will provide an opportunity to learn more about the diverse
world of Islam, its rich cultural heritage and its commitment to the
values of social justice and the significant contribution these can make
to the contemporary dialogues of our times and of the future.A number of distinguished speakers including Professor Mohammed Arkoun
from the University of Sorbonne, Reverend Bruce Gregersen of the United
Church of Canada, Mr. Waheed Hussain from Harvard University, Professor
Azim Nanji from the Institute for Ismaili Studies, and Professor A. Uner
Turgay from McGill will be speaking at the Conference.Conference themes include:
1) The Encounter of Cultures and the Interfaith Dialogue
2) Muslim Identity
3) Law, Ethics and Society4) Reason and Revelation
5) Women in Islam
6) Islamic Mysticism
7) Art and Architecture in Islam.We hope you can join us in Montreal on Friday and Saturday, April 9 and 10
for a thought-provoking and stimulating event. The registration fee for
this event is $50.00 ($20.00 for students). A dinner event will be held
on the evening of April 9 for conference delegates, and the cost of this
will be $100.00. Delegates who want to attend both events can do so at a
special rate of $125.00.Please confirm your attendance form the conference, banquet or both with
Hanny Hassan at telephone number (416) 972-7489 (Please leave voice mail
message with your name, phone number and address) or by e-mail to
hhassan@dillon.ca.Hanny Hassan, President
The Council of the Muslim Community of Canada
Islam and the Challenges of the New MilleniumCONFERENCE PROGRAM (Current to February 16, 1998)
2-DAY CONFERENCE (FRI, APRIL 9 & SAT, APRIL 10, 1999)*********************
Friday, April 9, 1999
*********************8:30 am - 9:00 am Registration
9:00 am - 9:15 am WELCOME ADDRESS
Professor A. Uner Turgay, Director, Institute of
Islamic Studies, McGill University9:15 am - 9:25 am OPENING REMARKS
Principal, McGill University.9:25 am - 9:30 am INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER
Dr. Hermann Landolt, Professor, Institute of
Islamic Studies, McGill University9:30 am - 10:30 am KEYNOTE ADDRESS
Professor Mohammed Arkoun, University of
Sorbonne, Paris10:30 am - 11:00 am BREAK
DIALOGUEChairperson: Dr. Issa J. Boullatta,
McGill University Professor
Jane D. McAuliffe, University of Toronto Rev.Bruce Gregersen, Secretary,
Interfaith Dialogue, United Church of CanadaProfessor Muhmood Ayuob, Temple University
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm LUNCH and PRAYERS
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm MUSLIM IDENTITY
Chairperson: Professor Sheila McDonough,
Concordia UniversityProfessor.Lynda Clarke, Concordia University
Professor Todd Lawson, Montreal
Ms. Yusra Siddiqui, Toronto4:00 pm - 5:30 pm LAW, ETHICS & SOCIETY
Chairperson: Professor A.Uner Turgay, McGill
UniversityProfessor Azim Nanji, Director, Institute of
Ismaili Studies, LondonProfessor Wael Hallaq, McGill University
Professor Khalid bin Saeed, Queens University
5:30 pm - 5:40 pm Closing Remarks
Mr. Hanny Hassan, President, Council of the Muslim
Community of Canada************************
Saturday, April 10, 1999
************************8:45 am - 9:00 am Opening Remarks
Mr. Aziz Bhaloo, President, Ismaili Council for
Canada9:00 am - 11:00 am REASON & REVELATION
Chairperson: Professor Eric Ormsby, McGill
UniversityProfessor Aziz Esmail, Institute of Ismaili
Studies, LondonProfessor James Morris, Oberlin College, Ohio
Professor Bilal Kuspinar, McGill University
Mr. Waheed Hussain, Harvard University
11:00 am - 11:30am BREAK
11:30 am - 1:00 pm WOMEN IN ISLAM
Chairperson: Dr. Sajida Alvi, McGill University
Professor Barbara Stowasser, Georgetown University
Professor Anita Weiss, (University of Oregon
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm LUNCH BREAK
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ISLAMIC MYSTICISM
Chairperson: Professor Hermann Landolt, McGill
Professor Leonard Lewisohn, University of LondonProfessor Carl W. Ernst, University of North
Mr. Perwaiz Hayat, McGill University3:30 pm - 4:00 pm BREAK
Chairperson: Dr. Donald P. Little.
Professor Jonathan Bloom
Professor Gulzar Haider, Carleton University5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Closing Remarks.
Mr. Bashir Hussain, President, Pakistan
Association of Quebec Inc.
Muslims in Canada - A Century of AchievementFrom: Shiraz Bandali <BandaliS@inac.gc.ca>
Muslims in Canada - A Century of Achievement
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Muslims in Canada, the following events have been organized:
A centennial book
Opening Ceremony of Al-Ilmu Noorun Exhibition - May 1, 1999
Interfaith Gathering - May 2, 1999
Al Rashid Open House - May 2, 1999
Anniversary Banquet - May 2, 1999Please tune in to Al-Akhbar over the next few weeks for more details on these historic celebrations.
* Al-Akhbar is accessible online at the following URL http://www.connect.ab.ca/~council/
Obituary in Globe and Mail re: Zarina Parpia
Return-Path: dharsee@ibm.net
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 20:23:43 -0500
From: zahir and nadia dharsee <dharsee@ibm.net>
To: info@amaana.org
Subject: Obituary in Globe and Mail re: Zarina Parpia
X-URL: http://www.amaana.org/gsep97.htmDear Nina - just want to draw your attention to this excellent tribute
to Mrs Zarina Parpia, a very strong Ismaili woman of this century, that
appeared in the G&M Canada on Oct 19, 1998 - the web site address is as
I am certain your web page readers will find the tribute moving and
interesting and Mrs Parpia has certainly left her mark for our community
and the world at large - thanks Zahir Dharsee - Mississauga Ontario.
Free University---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999
From: Jon Anderson <jonwanderson@sprintmail.com>
To: mideast-list@fas.harvard.edu
Subject: Anth/Soc Scholarships at AUCPlease, don't respond to me, but to the e-mail address at the bottom of
this message.
JA... could you spread the news among interested undergrad students that
we have here at AUC a full-ride MA scholarship in sociology-anthropology
for international students (Americans, Europeans, Japanese, etc).The only technical requirement is a 3.4 average. They get 2-years full
tuition, a living allowance, either a dorm room in our hostel or a
housing allowance (their choice) and health coverage (insurance and use
of our university clinic). Students must arrange their own
transportation.Our ... professors have a wide variety of interests and it can really be
what you make of it. The MA program requires 8 courses, a comprehensive
exam, a language test and a thesis based on an original research
project.In particular, this is a superb way to spend two years learning Arabic
while getting an MA degree. Students can take undergraduate Arabic
course at no charge and for no credit/grade as preparation for their
(written or conversational - their choice) Arabic test at the end of the
two year period.It is also a great way to initiate a field area. It's a transnational
world and Egypt is a world city -- one can study Egyptians, any of its
ethnic minorities, diasporic populations living here, tourists and so
on. The rest of the Arab world is just a long bus ride or short plane
flight away.This is a very good year to apply because, as it is our first year and
publicity materials didn't go out until Dec., the competition is going
to be light. We just pushed the official deadline back to March First,
so there is time to apply still!If you know of anyone who might be interested, have them e-mail me.
Mark Allen Peterson
The American University in Cairo
113 Kasr El Aini
11511 Cairo EGYPT
A R A B I C - I N F O
To subscribe/unsubscribe email: subscribe arabic-info
or unsubscribe arabic-info in the body of a message to:
Prize for Junior ScholarsThe Association for Middle Eastern Women's Studies has introduced a prize
for excellence in published material (a critical essay/an article/book
chapter) on Middle Eastern or North African women to be awarded to a junior
scholar, working toward a graduate degree, or no more than three years beyond
the Ph.D. in any discipline.Please submit materials by August 1, 1999 to Miriam Cooke, Duke University,
2101 Campus Drive, Durham, NC 27708-0414 (mcw@duke.edu).
Current News and Events - September, 1998
Platinum Library & Reading Room's GENIUS '98 program
Aga Khan Award for Architecture Presentation in Calgary Thanks Almoonir for your report!
Aga Khan Award for Architectecture web site
Aga Khan Foundation Geneva
Aga Khan Foundation Canada
Spirituality & Science, the need for togetherness Speech by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan
Religion of My Ancestors by Mowlana Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan
Faith and Reason a PBS Documentary in a Christian context but the issues discussed touch all faiths
Aga Khan Award for Architecture Presentation in Calgary
September 10, 1998Ya Ali Madad:
I just returned from a presentation by Dr. Tom Kessenger, General Manager of
the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) held at the Jack Singer Concert Hall
in Calgary.The above session was extremely informative and educational. He is making a
similar presentation in Edmonton (Thursday, Sept. 10), Vancouver (this
weekend) and Toronto. Check your local listings. I would highly recommend
attending this session to get the Imam's vision of this very low profile
AKDN agency.For those who cannot make it to his presentation, he touched upon the work
of AKTC in the following three areas:1. Aga Khan Award for Architecture
The 1998 Award Ceremony will be held in Spain on October 9, 1998. They have
a website that contains information about the award as well background
information on MHI, AKTC and the AKDN. The address is www.akaa1998.org.2. The Historic Cities Support Programme
He highlighted the current projects that they are working on including the
Al-Azhar park in the middle of Cairo that is being constructed from a 50
acre dump site. This project is quite unique. It is located near the
Al-Azhar University in the heart of Fatimid Egypt.3. Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture (AKPIA) at Harvard
This is an endowed centre of history and practice of Islamic architecture at
Harvard University and the MIT.- Almoonir Dewji
From: Murad Sulaiman Gwaduri <gwaduri@hotmail.com>
Subject: Please include in Current Event ScheduleHi Nina
Ya Ali Madad
Shia Imami Ismaili Platinum Library & Reading Room is organising GENIUS
'98, An event to identify the Genius of the year among the ismaili
community of Karachi. The final event ofthis programme will be held on
Sunday, September 20, 1998 at Karachi Marriott Hotel. The event is updated
on our Web Site www.cybercom.com.pk/genius98.I request you to please include this event in your curent event schedule on
your web site.Thanks
Murad M.A.Gwaduri
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