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Mowlana Hazar Imam in Kyrgystan and Bishkek
Mowlana Hazar Imam in Maputo, Mozambique
His Highness the Aga Khan meets Mandela and Chissano in Mozambique Press Release from Aiglemont
Princess Zahra to Visit Edmonton, Canada
Dhanak - 1 Presented by ITREB Karachi
KYRGYZ NEWS - 29 June 1998, MondayPRINCE AGHA KHAN IN KYRGYZSTAN. Prince Agha Khan the Fourth, world
leader of ismailits, arrived in Bishkek today. According to the
presidential press service, he will meet with President Askar Akayev, Prime
Minister Kubanychbek Jumaliev and will visit some Kyrgyz regions, available
for tourism business.2. PRINCE AGHA KHAN IN BISHKEK. World leader of ismailits, Prince Amin Agha
Khan the Fourth, arrived in Bishkek today. According to the governmental
press service, he met with Kyrgyz Prime Minister Kubanycgbek Jumaliev
today. It had been agreed that experts of the Agha Khan Foundation together
with the Kyrgyz National Bank would prepare a program of tourism
develeopmets in the Osh and Issyk-Kul regions of Kyrgyzstan.Prince Agha Khan arrived in Kyrgyzstan on 30 June and met with President
Askar Akayev in Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul region, the same day. Also, he had
visited several Kyrgyz regions and met with their governors. Tomorrow, he
will leave Kyrgyzstan for France.
MAPUTO, MozambiqueAug 11, 1998 (Reuters) - NOTICIAS
- The Mozambican government and private sector pledged on Monday to
work together to remove all barriers to national and foreign investment
in the country.
- The Aga Khan arrived in Maputo on Monday for a three-day visit at
the invitation of President Joaquim Chissano. An agreement on
development cooperation is expected to be signed by the two men today.
(C) Reuters Limited 1998.
Secrétariat de Son Altesse l'Aga Khan
60270 Gouvieux, France
Mozambique signs Development Agreement with Aga Khan Network
Maputo, Mozambique, 11 August, 1998 - His Highness the Aga Khan, Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims and President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique today signed a Development Co-operation Agreement which establishes a mission of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Mozambique and lays the framework for AKDN’s development activities in the country and thereby the extension of its presence in the East African region.
Earlier in the day, the Aga Khan had a meeting with President Nelson Mandela of South Africa during which the two discussed broad issues relating to regional development priorities as well as the approach that the AKDN was taking towards addressing them.
The Development Co-operation Agreement will facilitate the effective utilisation of the human and financial resources of the Imamat (office of spiritual leadership) and the AKDN in Mozambique. Similar agreements have been signed with countries in Central and South Asia, as well as other countries in Africa, among them Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, President Chissano explained that the Government hoped to ensure that the AKDN was presented with projects that had sound development potential.
In his remarks the Aga Khan noted that a distinguishing feature of the AKDN was its overriding emphasis on “investing in human capacities.” He mentioned themes that the Network had identified in Mozambique: human resource development, the economics of rural populations and the need to access resources and technologies for economic diversification within the private sector.
The Aga Khan, accompanied by the Begum Aga Khan, arrived in Maputo yesterday for an official visit to Mozambique. In addition to meetings with President Chissano, Prime Minister Dr. Pascoal Mocumbi and several of his Cabinet Ministers, the Aga Khan will meet Dr. Graça Machel, wife of President Nelson Mandela and former First Lady of Mozambique with whom the Begum Aga Khan will visit the mission of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in Maputo. The Begum Aga Khan, who is a consultant with UNESCO also met with the Minister of Social Welfare, Açucena Duarte.
The Aga Khan Development Network is a group of private development agencies and institutions with specific mandates that range from health and education to rural development, culture, the built environment and the promotion of private sector enterprise. The agencies, working together, seek to empower communities and individuals, often in disadvantaged circumstances, to improve living conditions and opportunities, especially in Asia and Africa. The Network’s underlying impulse is the ethic of compassion for the vulnerable in society and its agencies work for the common good of all citizens, regardless of their origin, gender or religion.
Before departing Maputo on Thursday, the Aga Khan and the Begum Aga Khan will meet with members of the Ismaili Muslim community which has had a presence in Mozambique since the early years of the present century.
Photos of Aga Khan, Mandela and Chissano available from AFP, AP and Reuters through Agencia de Informacoes de Mocambique(AIM)
For further information, please contact:
The Information Office
Room 118
Hotel Polana
Telephone: (258.1) 491 001/7 or 491 881
Fax: (258.1) 491 480 or 491 880or
The Information Department
60270 Gouvieux
Telephone: (33.3) 44 58 40 00
Fax: (33.3) 44 57 20 00
Dhanak - 1We are pleased to inform the Ismailis all over the world that Ismaili
Orchestra, Nazimabad, an institution of His Highness Prince Aga Khan
Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Garden, Karachi, Pakistan, is releasing
its latest CD and cassette of geet, "Dhanak, volume-1" on August 14,
1998 when it will be on sale in all the jamatkhanas of Pakistan on the
bookstalls of Tariqah Board. The launching ceremony will be held on
August 13 in the compound of Nazimabad jamatkhana.Famous Ismaili singer Shehzad Roy sings geet for the first time. Also
introducing the melodious voice of Imtiaz Rajab Ali Umatiya, Moez
Mansoor Ali Narsi, Yasmin Akbar Ali, Shabnam Aly and a chorus of 16 boys
and girls, all of them members of the Itreb Ginan Group of Pakistan.
The CD contains 14 geets and the cassette contains 13 geets. Soon they
will be available all over the world. Please contact publication
department of Itreb for Pakistan or Ismaili Orchestra, Nazimabad for
your requirements.It gives us immense pleasure to share with you on this happy occasion
that these young boys and girls of the Itreb Ginan Group, most of whom
are graduate and post-graduate students, have learnt to recite about 385
ginans and granths during last six years and have recorded more than 360
ginans and granths in the 43 volumes (cassettes) in the series of
"Ginans in Traditional Tunes" besides some cassettes of Manaqib/Qasidas
and Tasbihs. These youngsters are doing a historic job in preserving our
wonderful tradition-Ginan. They deserve your appreciation, encouragement
and prayer. We request you to kindly remember them in your prayers.Please forward this message to your families, friends and other Ismailis
all over the world.Thank you,
Alwaiza Zarina Kamaluddin
Alwaiz Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad
Kamaluddin Ali Mohammad <kamalzar@cyber.net.pk>Itreb for Pakistan,
230/1, D'Cruz Road, Garden East,
Karachi-74550, PakistanPhones: (Office) (92-21) 721 0202
(Home) (92-21) 721 9522, 722 3209
Fax: (92-21) 722 2926
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