Calligraphy denotes "Ali"![]()
Expressing the Love for Hazar Imam
Ya Ali Madad Everyone,
Our beloved Hazar Imam's birthday is only 30 days away and we at the Ismaili Web would like to invite our spiritual brothers and sisters to don their thinking caps, and pen their love for our cherished Imam-e-Zaman in the form of essays, poems, or narrative, stories that have made your love grow, let your imagination run.The first entry received will receive a Video Tape of Hazar Imam's
Tajikistan visit where in he was the guest of the President. And all entries
will be also be rewarded by an electronic photo and a .wav recording of the
Salwaat for your continued dhikr at the computer.Multiple entries are encouraged and Religious Education Teachers and Parents
may want to encourage their children to join. What we want to do is give a
gift of love and unity to Hazar Imam.Here is my contribution:
The Light of Allah
By Nina Nazneen Jaffer
"Allah was a mystery...
'I was a hidden treasure
And yearned to be known,
Therefore I created the world' 1
He created man
And breathed of His spirit unto him
Now, He is more of a mystery...
We are told 'Allah is everywhere'
Yet He is nowhere to be seen.
Ikra! Read! I search...
'I'm closer than your jugular vein'
He reveals in the Holy Quran
I search for a hidden message and find:'Light upon Light, Allah guides to His
Light whom He pleases' 2
Alhamdulillah, I thank Allah
For including me in the community
That is guided by the Light
Sent with Prophet Muhammad
As a mercy to mankind
Our Intercessor on the Day of Judgement
Our beloved Imam-e-ZamanAllahuma salle Allah
Muhammadin wa Aley Muhammad"1. Hadith Kudsi
2. Quran 24:35
We humans, idols of error live in Lord's Constant care,
But how frequent do we give this true feeling its due share?
Since the creation of this beautiful Universe,
Series of nourishing guidance has always been of importance.
As humans tend to be forgetful and passionate,
So to remind them of their purpose innate;
Allah sent holy prophets to bless us with profound light,
Among folks were who embraced it at their hearts sight.
For the last prophet at Gadir-e-Khum proclaimed it clearly,
That you will not go astray if you love Mowla Ali dearly;
Prophethood will end and Imamat will lead,
To shower the grace which the faithfuls need.
Thus greeting this memorable day with our hearts rejoicing,
Thanking ardently to Almighty Allah for providing;
Imamats institution for enlightening our soul,
And contemporarily guiding how to fulfil the secular role.
Hold fast the rope of Allah and love our fellow beings,
"Love" is the only present wrapped with good deeds;
Obedience to Mowla increases our strength, giving sense of gratitude,
To attain humility in success and gain fortitude.
No way, my pen can ever inscribe the ineffable,
Infinite favors with which momins have made it attainable;
Yes, the true happiness for which we all long for,
Can be attained if endeavours towards it becomes our life's core.
So, lets renew our commitment to strive for that balance,
Doing every act with our hearts beating of His Omnipresence;
13th December 1996 we wish our 49th Imam the 61st commencing year,
Earnestly pray our hearts always filled with His love so dear & near.Transliteration and English rendition of Qasida Dam hama dam Ali Ali By Mowlana Rumi English Rendition by Arif Babul
Saki e ba wafa manam,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 1Sufi e ba safa manam,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 2Ashike Murtaza manam,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 3Mutribe khushnava manam,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 4Adam ba safa tueen,
Yusufe mah laka tueen ... 5Khidhre rahe khuda tueen,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 6Shahe shariyatam tueen,
pire tariqotam tueen ... 7Haq ba hakikatam tueen,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 8Ham dame sayeedul basher,
raj e shamshul qamar ... 9Babe shabirro ham shabbar,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 10Sayeede sarware karam,
goft bato ay ibne am ... 11Lahamak lahmi dammak dammi,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 12Ayah e Innama barat,
taje la fata sarat ... 13
Shamsh gulame Kambarat,
dam hame dam Ali Ali ... 14A humble poet, I am, Let me be your muse drink of me
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
A Sufi, I am, Pure of heart
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliA lover, I am, of Murtaza Ali
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliMy joy uncontained, I am in song
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliAdam the Pure be you,
Yusuf the Beautiful tooTis you who's Khidr's guide
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliHis teacher, his inspiration
Lord, Lawgiver, Teacher, True GuideTruth be, you are the Truth; the Absolute
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliFaithful Companion, in virtue incomparable
In whose company pales even the Sun, the moonOh, Father of Hassan, Hussein
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliDeclared Muhammed, the Most Generous of generous
My cousin, the son of my uncleMy flesh is your flesh, my blood your blood
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali AliYou are the Guardian, the Master of believers,
That the Holy Quran makes clear,
Garbed, Crowned, Invincible, UnvanquishedShams, your humble servant, your Kambar Gulam, am I
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Ya Ali to all, Hazar Imamīs birthday is coming soon.
The happiness is greater than any time before?
Blessings from him who is above all else.
Knowing that without Imam world can not exist a sec.
.."and we have vested ( the knowledge and authority of) everthing in the
mainfest Imam (Dua part II)
.....One should think what else he blessed to us.
The water, the air, the whole world with all itīs belongings
Is that all that he blessed to us,
Or is that all that we realize it for now?The purpose of being here is:
loving him,
Reconizing him,
And finding back to him
where we all came from (Asal makan)
" inaa lelaahe wa inaa elaihe raajeoon"
we came from Allah and go back to Allah (From Coran)
In every funeral we hear this.
if this seems clear, so go ahead,
if this seems not clear ask the Q. and find the answers
Because those who ask the Q. get the answer.
Who really we are
all of us, whom he created
we are part of him,
noori Khoda
We do not see. Because our sight is false,
(we see a blue sky, allthough it is not blue)
how do we recognize him, if we know; that what we see; is not the truth.
life is illusion, illusion is life
we can not understand things if we have a limited understanding.
read Imamīs word because you will find and understand the truth,
so read, learn, listen and get others to listen
( Kalame Mawla)
Kalame Maula=Imamīs word
then you will know the blessings we have from him;
being able to find back to him
(assal me wassel)
And that is what makes things so wonderful.hakim from germany
Faith is for the Believers
By: Nadyabanu HashamFaith is for the believers
For those who have the might to feel
Beyond what is seen and heard
Deeper than what may seem so real
Faith is for the believersIt need not be proven by science
Nor answer all inquiries
But be trusted with pure reliance
Faith is for the believers
For those who yearn for more
Not for any selfish gain
But to feed their inner core
Faith is for the believers
Who see themselves and say
That the Almighty's creations
Are made of molded clay
Those who question Allah's presence
Fight an endless battle and grieve
Allah once revealed,
"those who have lost their selves, they will not believe."
By Imtiaz Rhemtulla,
"Ali Ali Ali"
Composed on Thursday November 28, 1996 online.
There is no Light but the Light of Hazrat Ali
In Rose and Bramble Bush
From mountain tops to valley floors,
In dark caverns and in sunlit shores,
On ocean waves and in riverbeds where salmon spawn,
Listen, listen, you will hear the universe talk . . .
Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah
And you will hear the sun and moon in shameful tones
Respond with joyful meekness,
"Yes! Subhan Allah and Ya Allah and Ya Ali too,
All is You All is You All is You
And in lions' lairs and in little birds' nests,
You will hear, if you silence keep,
The sound of prayer and the chants of joy
"Ali Ali Ali"
A piece from Nasir Khusraw's Divan I chose the Qur'an and the faith of Muhammad,
for that is the choice that was made by Muhammad.
I'm certain by faithfully following these,
my certitude will be like that of Muhammad.My key for the heavens, my guide to delight,
my fortified castle: the faith of Muhammad!
Muhammad is sent as God's prophet to us:
thus is the imprint of the seal of Muhammad.The faith, the Qur'an - they are fixed in my heart
just as they were fixed in the heart of Muhammad.
My hope is to be - by the grace of the Lord -
the lowliest one in the folk of Muhammad.In the ocean of faith you see, the Qur'an
Is the most precious pearl in the hand of Muhammad.
As every kind has a treasure concealed,
thus is the Qur'an: treasure trove of Muhammad!Now look at the jewel that sits on this treasure!
Whom do you consider the trustee of Muhammad?
His followers find yonder jewel of faith
from nobody else but the sons of Muhammad.Muhammad entrusted his treasure and goods
to one person, worthy and close to Muhammad.
Who was such a close friend? He whose dear wife
was none but the darling black-eyed, of Muhammad.From this darling child and that cousin(Ali) appeared
Hasan and Husayn, letters close to Muhammad.
I know certainly this: Hasan and Husayn
are jasmine and rose in both worlds, of Muhammad.Where could such a rose and such a jasmine appear
in both worlds but out of the soil of Muhammad!
I don't dare select any one among men
above these two sons, lovely sons of Muhammad;I would be ashamed of the frown of Muhammad!
The sword of pure Haydar, the mighty Qur'an
are cornerstones of the strong faith of Muhammad,
for he stood as master and with Dhu'l-fiqar
in every fight to the right of Muhammad.Since 'Ali's sword helped the mighty Qur'an;
'Ali was the helper, no doubt, for Muhammad.
As Aaron to Moses, so was 'Ali in rank
A partner in faith and close to Muhammad.On Doomsday both Moses and Aaron will kiss
the mantle of 'Ali, the hem of Muhammad.
Muhammad's religion resembled a thicket;
The lion: 'Ali, in the woods of Muhammad.Muhammad said: 'Go, and seek wisdom in China!'
I went to that China, the land of Muhammad.
I heard from the heir of the Prophet such words
which were like the honey, so sweet, of Muhammad!Nasir Khusraw here, is talking about the Imam of the time
Salam 'Alaykum. Ya 'Ali Madad. Sister Nina, I have enclosed my attempt at poetry in Arabic with transliteration and translation for Imam Karim Husayn's Birthday: Marking the Anniversary of the first dawning of Hadhrat Imam Karim Husayn:
Al-hamdulillah ja'il al-imamah fi'l-ardhi wa an-nur fiyhi
saba an-nur al-diya li-uluw muminuin
al-dhiy al-diya wa yahamduwa al-imam
al-dhiy al-diya dhalika ash-shamsu min uluw la mushirikun
al-dhiy al-diya dhalika al-imam min uluw mushukarunPraise be to Allah. He has placed a guide in the earth and a light within it
The light dawning in irradiation to the people of faith.
This brilliant aurora spectral, they are giving praise to Allah
This brilliant aurora spectral, this is the sun, not of those who join
partners to Allah.
This brilliant aurora spectral, this is the guide of those who praise Allah.Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatullah Khuda Hafiz, 'Ali-Mikail CarronO Vast Universe... By Nizar Esmail (written on the occasion of Silver Jubilee)
O vast universe From the depths of time On the holy night of Light Of thirteenth December thirty-six You sparked the birth of the Flawless Soul Prince Karim who came like the Brilliant Star Which illuminates the heavens and the earth With resplendent Light of the Spirit Perfected on earth by Hazrat Ali's Nass on eleventh July fifty-seven Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Husayni The forty-ninth Imam Sat on Cosmic Throne O vast universe His face is oval-shaped Like a pearl from heaven Sparkling white and bright Light which streaks and stimulates the world Making it pulsate like the great festival Celebrated with joy and love by his Murids On eleventh July nineteen eighty-two The earth shone with such alluring radiance That even the Archangels in glory decended For the Silver Jubilee of Mowlana Hazar ImamMarhaban By Mir Baiz Khan
Marhaban marhaban ya abid al-Imam
Marhaban marhaban ya Khadhimi-l-ImamMarhaban marhaban ya tabi il-Imam
Marhaban marhaban ya muqarrabun min al-ImamTa'yid al-Imama ma akum
Qulub al-Jama a ma akumYa ashab al-da-wa fi asr jadid
Hidayat al-Imam ma akumYa qa idi askari-l-Imam
Alam al-Imama wa huda-l-Imama ma akumWelcome, welcome O servants of the Imam
Welcome, welcome O servants of the ImamWelcome, welcome O followers of the Imam
Welcome, welcome O workers of the ImamThe grace of the Imam is with you
The hearts of the Jamat are with youO people of the da'wa in this age
The guidance of the Imam is with youO commanders of the army of the Imam
The flag and guidance of the Imam are with you
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