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Updated: June 16, 2007 |
Didaar Poems ![]()
We are rejoicing at the news of our beloved Imam's visit during the Golden Jubilee. To express the joy we feel, I decided to present a collection of poems on my website. Mubarak!
Message of Prince Sadruddin"The future of Ismailism depends on those of your ages and mine. Are we to follow the example of those who, in the olden days, in Egypt, in Iran, and in Sind, on different occasions, by faith and devotion, raised the banner of Hazar Imam till the whole world saw its light?
I say yes. For we young men must not fail, where our fathers succeeded so gloriously."
- July 30, 1950
We'll start with the Ismaili Anthem - the Nashid al-Imamah Please also click on the Audio link on that page to listen to this wonderful rendition
The Secret of God
by RumiEverywhere the secret of God is coming, see how the people are coming uncontrollably;
From him for whom all souls are a-thirst, to the thirsty the cry of the water carrier is coming.
They are milk drinkers of divine generosity, and are on the watch to see from whence the mother is coming.
They are in separation, and all are waiting to see whence union and encounter are coming.
From Moslems, Jews, and Christians alike every dawn the sound of prayer is coming;
Blessed is that intelligence whose heart's ear from heaven the sound of "Come hither" is coming.
Keep your ear clean of scum, for a voice is coming from heaven;
The defiled ear hears not that sound, only the deserving gets his deserts.
Defile not your eye with human cheek and mole, for that Emperor of eternal life is coming;
And if it has become defiled, wash it with tears, for the cure comes from those tears.
A caravan of sugar has arrived from Egypt; the sound of footfall and bells is coming.
Ha, be silent, for to complete the ode, our speaking King is coming.
ejee aa(n)khaladdi joi joi thaakee kyaare aave moro shaah partak jaannee paae paddun vaalaa namee namee karu(n) parnnaam mitthaa shaah me(n) samaru(n) tero naam yaa shaah samaru(n) me(n) tero naam khudaava(n)d me(n) samaru(n) tero naam.......................1My eyes have become tired continuously watching and waiting, as to when my Mawlaa will arrive. Having known him to be the Manifest, I may bow at His feet, O Beloved, I would pay my respects to You in a bowing manner.
O my sweet Mawlaa! I remember your name. Oh Mawlaa! I remember your name. O God! I remember your name.
ejee baal pannaanee pritddee saamee tamsu(n) laageejee nehddo laago shaah nur dharse so kiyaa jaanne gemaar...mitthaa shaah me(n).................2My love since my childhood, O Lord, is for You. I am in love with the 'Nur' of the time (Hazar Imam). How can the ignorant know about it. O my sweet Mawlaa!....
ejee sayyad faazal shaah aakhe ventee mujse maher karo maherbaan karam karoge to sharam rahegee ham ba(n)do dosaaree tu taar...mitthaa shaah me(n)...........3Sayyad Faazal Shah makes the supplication: O Merciful! have mercy upon me. If You shower Your mercy, my honour will be preserved, for I am a sinful creature and You are the Saviour. O my sweet Mawlaa!..
eji satgur aavyaa kaai aapne doovaar re aapne kem re karine paaye laagiye hoji.....................1 doovaar - doorstep paaye laagiye - to bow down at one's feetThe True Guide has come to our doorstep How can we bow down (submit ourselves) to Him?
eji satiye toddyo motiddaa no haar re tenaa moti veraanaa chandan chok maa.......................2 sati - pious woman - refers to Satii Emnabai chandan - sandlewood - also is the name of a "chok" chok - courtyard or a marketplaceThe pious woman broke a pearl necklace The pearls (from the necklace) spread all over the "Chandan chok"
eji moti vinantaa kaai laagi chhe vaar re aapne em re kari ne paaye laagiye hoji.....................3It has taken some time to gather all the pearls This is how (by bending down to collect the beads of pearls),
we can bow down (submit ourselves) to our Lord. The above three verses refer to the incident of Satii Emnabaai intentionally
breaking her necklace, so that she could bow down at the Peer's feet by
pretending to collect the beads from the broken necklace.
She could not bow to the Peer in public.eji jaajo jaajo samudariyaa ni laher re maaraa man naa manelaa moti laavjo hoji...................4 samudar - sea, ocean laher - wave man naa manelaa - which are the mind's desires or likes(The Peer is asking us to) go to the (bottom of the) ocean, past the waves (and the currents), and to bring those pearls
which He desires (for us to have, i.e knowledge and wisdom)eji moti laavyaa kaai laakho i laakh re maaraa man naa manelaa moti nahi malyaa hoji...............5(The Peer says) hundreds of thousands of pearls were brought,
but the pearls which He desires (for us) were not found Verses 4 & 5 refer to the diving into the ocean of the worldly existence
to obtain the spiritually uplifting benefits (pearls),
and in particular Divine knowledge and wisdom.eji maakar maakar kaai noograa no sang re te to noogare jaaliyo taaro chheddlo hoji..................6 maakar - do not do noogra - the ones without a Guide sang - relationship, company jaaliyo - held chheddlo - end, border, end part of a "saari"Do not maintain any meaningful relationship with those who are without a Guide
(do not follow the path of those who have gone astray).
They are clinging by your side in order to lead you astray at the right moment.eji vaari vaari hiraliyaa ni gaanth re te to toote pan re chhoote nahi hoji.......................7 vaari - to tie hir - a very fine thread of silk; love, divinity toote - breaks chhoote - to free, undoA knot of silk has been tied (in such a way) that the thread may be
broken, but the knot cannot be undone.eji paaddi paaddi patodde bhaat re te to faate pan re fite nahi hoji..........................8 paaddi - to draw patodde - a silk or wollen cloth worn by women bhaat - floral design or print faate - tears out fite - to erase, to get rid ofA design has been imprinted upon a cloth (in such a way that) the cloth
may tear, but the design will not rub out or fade away. Verses 7 & 8 refer to the deep, solid love which a true momin has for Haazar Imaam
- a love which is never given up, even if one has to die as a result of it.eji bolyaa bolyaa peer shamsh chott re maaraa moman bhaai tame amraa poori paamsho hoji...........9 chott - title of Peer Shamsh. It means one who is at the top. One who is pre-eminent, one who has excelled. amraa poori - comes from the words "amar"(eternal) and "poori" (abode) - eternal abodePeer Shamsh continually says: my Momin brothers, you will attain the eternal abode
(if you follow the guidance outlined above).
by Sayyed Imam Begum
ejee satgur miliyaa mune aaj, aana(n)d hu(n) paamee satgur miliyaa taare dukhaja ttaalliyaajee sarve saariyaa daaseenaa kaaj...aana(n)d.....................1Today I have found the True Guide and as a result I have attained joy and happiness. When I found the True Guide, all my sorrows vanished. The Lord fulfilled this maid servant's wishes or made her tasks easy.
ejee kaaj daaseenaa sarve saariyaajee darshan deeyaa mahaaraaj....aana(n)d.........................2He fulfilled all the wishes of this maid servant. The Majesty granted the Spiritual Vision.
ejee darshan dekhiyaa man santokhiyaajee mahaapad paamee chhu(n) raaj...aana(n)d......................3When I had this Vision my heart found satisfaction and contentment. As a result, I have attained the kingdom of the most exalted state.
ejee mahaapad keri bhaai vaat chhe nyaareejee koi na jaanne e kaaj....aana(n)d.............................4Matters pertaining to the exalted state are very mysterious. Nobody knows it's reality.
ejee jo jaanne so nar navkha(n)d maanne jee ghatto ghatt dekhe mahaaraaj...aana(n)d......................5The one who knows it, enjoys the nine continents (or heavens). In every heart he sees that Majesty.
ejee ghatto ghatt dekhe taare ek karee lekhe jee nar nakla(n)kee kero raaj...aana(n)d........................6When he sees every heart he regards all as one entity, and indeed he sees the kingdom of the spotless master (Hazarat Ali).
ejee kahet imaam begum sunno moraa bhaaijee alee nabee chhe sirtaaj.........aana(n)d.....................7Imam Begum says: Listen o my brother! Hazarat Ali and Hazarat Nabi Muhammad(s.a.s.) are our lords.
Sahebji tun more man bhave
by Saiyad MohamedshahMy lord, my heart is fond of you.
I think of no-one else. None else pleases my heart.
My lord, my heart is fond of you.So readily, my lord, You give me
Whatever I ask of you. You indulge me
In so many ways, my lord.In all four ages, I went about, Looking hard.
I found none to match you, my lord.
My lord, my heart is fond of you.Come, come, my maiden friends,
Let us go to view the groom.
He's the one, the beloved I've attained.He comes to my home, the beloved,
He but for whom a minute is hard to pass.How should we call him Unhappy - He whose lord
Is one such as this?How should we find fault with the merciful?
What's written in our karma
Is what we shall have.Ram and Raheman are but one Deity.
Of this mystery, the fool is quite unaware.Says Saiyad Mohamadshah, I am bonded to you, my lord.
Leaving you, at what other door am I to knock?My lord, my heart is fond of you.
I think of no-one else. None else pleases my heart.
My lord, my heart is fond of you.JEERE VAALAA DHANRE GHADDEEBY SAYYED MOHAMMED SHAAH jire vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa Ali mai taa din kee balee haaree re vaalaa ghar aa(n)gann maaraa pavitra keedhaa moro jeev janam sadhaaree re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....1 jire vaalaa - dear brothers balee haaree - offering, sacrifice sadhaaree(sudhaaree) - improve Dear brothers, happy and glorious was the momemt when the Saint(Guide) visited me. I offered sacrifices to Ali on that day. Brothers, this made my house and it's precinct holy and improved the condition of my soul (elevated it). Happy was the moment when the Saint (Guide) visited me. jire vaalaa jaan ajaan bhaye kirataar toh saadh sabhaa sukh kaaree re vaalaa paaras parshe, lohaa rang palatte to jag mag jot ujaaree re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....2 saadh - enlightened person sabhaa - gathering; (morning?) Dear brothers, knowingly and unknowingly, I embraced the Creator. In the company of the enlightened person I experienced peace and joy (was transformed). Brother this was in a manner of the philosopher's stone transforming the colour of iron. The twinkling and flashing of the Light uplifted (enlightened) my mind. Brother, happy was the moment when the Saint (Guide) visited me. jire vaalaa adham odhaarann Sant sadhaarann par aatmaa upakaaree re vaalaa vi(n)dit ved gaae gunn gitaa so akall purush avataaree re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....3 adham(adharmee) - irreligious, impious and sinful person odhaarann - to liberate akall - incomprehensible purush - male personality Dear brothers, He (the Guide) liberates the ignorant and sinful and improves the pious saints i.e., He elevates other souls. Brother, this is mentioned in the sacred literature and the Gita also sings about this virtue. This male personality (the Imaam) is indeed an incomprehensible manifestation.Brother, happy was the moment when the Saint (Guide) visited me. jire vaalaa Sant charann raj sureenar ichhe dharam raaha sardhaaree re vaalaa naav rupe jug taarann karannaa to bhav bhaye bhanjan haaree re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....4 charann raj - clay at the feet of dharam rahaa - the path of religion sardhaaree (sardaaree) - leadership naav rupe - in the form of a boat bhav - age, time bhay - fears, anxieties bhanjanhaar - remover of, breaker of Dear brothers, the pious momins desire even the clay at the feet of the Saint(Guide). He is indeed the leader of the Path of religion. Brother, in the form of a boat He takes us across the ocean(of material existence) and all the fears and anxieties of the age are removed under His protection. Brother, happy was the moment when the Saint(Guide) visited me. jire vaalaa or upaay nahi hay taran ko ye hay taranakee baaree re vaalaa chott na laage us Sant ku jamaddaa rahyaa jakh maareeyaa re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....5 or upaay - no other remedy jakh maareeyaa - to become powerless jamaddaa - agent of death Dear brothers, there is no other remedy for the salvation of your souls. This is the only means of crossing over(the ocean of material existence). The head of the saint is not burdened by the thoughts of death because the agent of death becomes powerless against the Light of the Guide which makes the person immortal. Brother, happy was the moment when the Saint (Guide) visited me. jire vaalaa hari gunn Sant sadaa sir more to jugaa jug sharann sadhaaree re vaalaa jaagyaa bhaagye gur soh dev bhettyaa to sayyed muhammed shaah karaaree re vaalaa dhan re ghaddee jo din Sant padhaaryaa....6 Dear brothers, the saintly person always bows his head (in aknowledgement) of the praises of the Lord. This self surrender to the higher will improves until immortality is achieved. Brothers, this happens when good fortune arises and you are embraced by the Light of Peer Sadardeen (the Guide). This is a (timeless) promise given by Sayyed Mohammed Shaah. Brother, happy was the moment when the Saint (Guide) visited me.
Ginan Audio
"Ali Ali Ali" By Imtiaz Rhemtulla,
Composed on Thursday November 28, 1996 online.
There is no Light but the Light of Hazrat Ali
In Rose and Bramble Bush
From mountain tops to valley floors,
In dark caverns and in sunlit shores,
On ocean waves and in riverbeds where salmon spawn,
Listen, listen, you will hear the universe talk . . .
Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah
And you will hear the sun and moon in shameful tones
Respond with joyful meekness,
"Yes! Subhan Allah and Ya Allah and Ya Ali too,
All is You All is You All is You
And in lions' lairs and in little birds' nests,
You will hear, if you silence keep,
The sound of prayer and the chants of joy
"Ali Ali Ali"
Forever Dance
by HafizI am happy even before I have a reason
I am full of Light even before the sky
Can greet the sun or the moon.Dear companions,
We have been in love with God
For so very, very long.What can Hafiz now do but Forever
DanceRelated Material on the Ismaili Web
Didaar Article
Didaar Poems
Poetry from other parts of the Ismaili world
Nasir Khusraw Poetry
Hafiz and the Place of Iranian Culture in the World November 1936 - Lecture by Mowlana Sultan Mahomed Shah (s.a.s.)
The Story of King Harishchandra and Queen Taara Raani in our Ginan
Muslim Celebrations - Comprehensive List
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