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Updated: July 10 2003 |
Imamat Day July 11, 2003 - 46th Anniversary
Sura 110 Nasr--Help 1. Idzaa ja'aa nasrullahi walfath
2. Wa ra'aytan naasa yadkhuluuna fee deenilla hi afwaajaa
3. Fasabbih bi hamdi Rabbika wastaghfirhu innahuu kaan tawwabaaWhen comes the help of Allah and victory
And you do see the people enter God's religion in multitudes
Celebrate the praises of your Lord and pray for His forgiveness: for he is oft-returning
Nasr Min Allah wa Fath Qarib
Help from God and Victory Near at Hand
O Ali how beateous gathering, as if we are in heaven
The whole earth is spread like a carpet
for Sultan Muhammad the Lord has come
and is sitting on His throneBlessed be this day
the kingdom of the Noor of Mowlana Ali,
Mowlana Shah Karim is (also) the pearl of the eye of Mowlana Ali
The Lord who is descendent of Nabi, this kingdom be blessedly His.
Blessed be this day...1O Ali your Jamat from Hind have come for your didar
They bend down in prostration offering their tributes
while bending down.
Blessed be this day...2O Ali your exalted position right from the day of creation
shows its (supernatural) quality and capacity
Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah has spoken
(in designating) Shah Karim (as the Imam).
Blessed be this day...3O Ali do I call You Lord,
indeed yours is a very exalted destiny
In your young age this is a mark of the dawn of your glorious station.
Blessed be this day...4O Ali the throne and the parasole (of authority) be blissfully yours,
O the beloved Zohra (Bibi Fatima Tuz-Zohra)
O Hasanshah (Aga Shah Hasanali Ali Shah) all these actions are yours,
the heaven on earth that we are experiencing now is decorated by You.
Blessed be this day...5O Ali having heard of your throne and parasole (authority of Imamat)
Noor rains from the heavens
Taking bowls full of pearls, the hoories are slattering them on You
(as an augmenting ceremony of welcome).
Blessed be this day...6O Ali all in the gathering congregation in celebration reciting prayers
Shamsi (the Sayyed author who was a descendant of Pir Shams)
recited the Salwaat, it was a celebration of Marifat.
Blessed be this day...7O Ali Sayyed recites this song of praise and prayer in order to congratulate you.
O the Lord of Najaf (Mowlana Ali)
with your support and backing all ennemies give up the enmity.
Blessed be this day...8
Imamat Day Mubarak Everyone!Imamat Day Celebrations are going on all over the Shia Ismaili Muslim world as the Murids (believers) celebrate the Grace that the Lord has bestowed on us! If you browse through my Imamat Day pages of the past seven years, it is readily evident that the Quranic verses and the guidance of the Living Imam has influenced the Murids to compose beautiful poetry to express their devotion. We are lucky to have access to this wonderful treasury over the 14-century period where Ismailis from various parts of the world have composed these pieces in their vernacular but the message is the same. That they are trying to merit the Grace from the Lord by staying on the Siraat-al Mustaqeem (right path).
Besides the celebratory aspects of this auspicious day, we as Ismailis, should reflect on the magnamity of this Favor, the Grace, since we have taken the Baiyah (oath of allegiance) at his hand which is equivalent to having taken the oath at the Hand of Allah, (Quran 48:10) and resolve to act upon the guidance of Mowlana Hazar Imam (the Imam of the Time).
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Al Muayyad's Majlis on Love for the Imams
Al Muayyad's Majlis on Guidance of the Imams
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64th Birthday Page - 2000
63rd Birthday Page - 1999
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