In the name of God, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Ismaili Web
Shia Ismaili
Ismaili Heroes
Holy Quran and its Study
Nahjul Balagha and its Study
Children's Page
Women's Page
Aga Khan Institutions
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Foretold in Torah and by Jesus Christ
Prophet Muhammad and Bahira the Monk
Article siting references of Prophet Muhammad's advent in previous scriptures such as Torah, Bible
The Bible and Prophet Muhammad
The Most Influential Man in History by Michael Hart
Prophet Muhammad described by various non-muslim authors including Pringle Kennedy, Michael Hart, Sir Thomas Carisle, Thomas Dennison, S. P. Scott, Lamartine, Sir William Muir, Sir John Glubb, Montgomery Watt, Wil Durant, Alfred Guillaume, Rev. Boswell Smith, Karen Armstrong (now converted to Islam), Major A. Leonard.
Life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad biography by a non-muslim
Prophet's Night Journey Mehraj The Shia Ismaili Tariqah is an esoteric tradition and even though this vision of our beloved Prophet is of the eternal world, an effort to explain the magnanimity of this journey in human terms is sometimes taken too literally, the description however, is really beautiful, enjoy!
Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s)
Hazrat Ali's famous espistle to Malik Ashtar, the Governor of Egypt (my favorite)
The Big Bang Theory explained 1400 years ago by Hazrat Ali
The Creation of Adam and the Rope of Allah described by Hazrat Ali
Ali, son-in-law and cousin of Prophet Muhammad
Life of Commander of the faithful Ali
Life of Ali ibn Abu Talib
Ali, orator and writer par excellence (See Nahjul Balagha for a collection on insiteful speeches and letters)
The Virtues of Imam Ali (a.s.)
Selected sayings of Hazrat Ali
Imam Ali
Ghadir Khumm incident in detail
Hazrat Bibi Fatima Zahra (a.s.)
Fatima, Prophet Muhammad's daughter
Fatima Speech
The Holy Imams decended from Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)
History of the 49 lineal decendants of Prophet Muhammad
48th Imam Shah Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III
Mowlana Sultan Mahomed Shah Web
Algarh University Founding Father
Honorary Member of Golf Country Club
Present Imam Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV
Aga Khan's Speech to the Press in South Africa Oct 17, 1996
Aga Khan receives Hadrian Award October 25, 1996
Speech made at MIT commencement
Baccalaureate Address May 26, 1996 at Brown University
More speeches
Aga Khan visits Tajikistan News clip
Ismaili Heroes
Al Muayyad fi Din Shirazi Awesome graphics and calligraphy
Al Muayyad's Life and Lectures
Al Kirmani
Nasir Khusraw
Qadi Numan
Ibn Sina Avicenna
Hatim ar Razi Rhazes
More Ismaili Heroes
Holy Quran and its Study
The Holy Quran Yusufali, Picktall and Shakir translations
The Holy Quran Another translation
Search the Quran by word or phrase Shakir translation
Listen to Quran in Real Audio Beautiful rhyming prose
Various translations Including Malaysian & Indonesian
Quran Translation by Yusufali
Quran, Chapters translated by Ahmad Darwish
Or for transliteration click here
And here for Arabic Script version
Holy Quran & the Pure Imams
The words People of the House "Ahlul -Bayt" in the Holy Quran
The Amazing Quran
Nahjul Balagha and its Study
NAHJUL BALAGHA, Sermons and letters of Hazrat Ali
Thesis on Nahjul Balagha
Political Philosophy and Theology in Nahjul Balagha
Nahjul Balagha Index
Children's Page
Children's Links at Ismaili Web
Valley of the Children Hunza visited by Paul Vozdic, great story and pictures!
Zamzam the Well of Ishmael Beginnings of Islam
Play Connect 4
Try to beat the computer at Tic Tac Toe
Take a Quiz Test your knowledge
Partial Glossary Islamic terms
Aga Khan Institutions
The Aga Khan Network
The Aga Khan Rural Support Program at work
The Aga Khan Rural Support Program
Aga Khan Rural Support Program AKRSP
Aga Khan Foundation in action
Aga Khan Foundation Geneva
AKF Director of Health Programs
The Aga Khan Foundation (HON)
Aga Khan Foundation AKF
Aga Khan Foundation USA
Aga Khan Foundation Canada
Aga Khan Foundation Fellowship
Aga Khan Funds Program at MIT
Aga Khan University Page maintained by Jafary
Aga Khan University Page maintained by Jaffer!
Aga Khan Education Services
Aga Khan Trust for Culture
Aga Khan Trust for Culture
Aga Khan Program for Architecture
Aga Khan Collection at MIT Rotch Library
Aga Khan Award for Architecture News clip
Institute for Ismaili Studies Call for Librarian
Aga Khan Health Services
Aga Khan Rural Development Program
Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan
The Bellerive Foundation Geneva
The Bellerive Foundation Italy
Other Ismaili Sites
Ismaili Electronic Library
Ismaili Exchange
CyberIsmaili Featuring Ginans in Real Audio!
Ummah WWW
FATMI Network
Ismaili Student Associations
Ismaili Student Associations
Ismaili Electronic Library
Ismaili Students' Association (MISA)
Includes links to other ISAs
Other Shia Muslim Sites
Ismaili Bohra Site in Ottawa
Ismaili Bohra Site in D.C.
Ismaili Bohra Site in Boston
Shia website at University of Texas
Shia Website in Edinburgh
Shia homepage in Australia
Multiple Shia Sites
Islam at USC
Shia website in England
Sufi Websites Follow the links
Research Resources
An Introduction to Ismailism
Shia Encyclopedia at Stanford University
Review of Farhad Daftary's "The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Ismailis"
Scholarly study of Islam
Books for Islamic Studies
Ikhwan as Safa - Ismaili Treasure
Select Shia Bibliography
Shia Ismaili Bibliography
More Ismaili Bibliography
Selected Articles
Seerat (Life) of Hazrat Ali
Profile of Saudi Arabia: Islam
Middle East Center Audio Visual Library
Professor Awn, Columbia University
Muslim Perceptions at Columbia Interesting article!
Ibn Battuta Savvy Traveler
Islamic Publications
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Organizations that donate Islamic Books
Sufi Bookstore
Muslim Scientists
Islam's contribution to Science
Origins of Algebra
Al Biruni Islamic Scientist and Mathematician
Al Biruni UK site, including references to other Muslim Scientists
Al Biruni
Muslim Contribution to the History of Mathematics
History of Art
Islamic Art Gallery View artwork now stored at New York, London, Paris, and German Museums!
Islamic Astrology
Islamic Calligraphy
Prince Amyn Aga Khan's Speech on Calligraphy at Zamana Gallery, London
Islamic Calligraphy Some of the finest Calligraphy on the web!
Kufi Script
More Calligraphy
Islamic Architecture
Aga Khan Program for Architecture
Aga Khan Visual Archives at MIT Also check out the Textual Archives and Architecture Links
Images, Architecture of Islam
Aga Khan Award for Architecture Won by Airport in Indonesia
Islamic Philosophers and Poetry
Ibn Arabi, Rumi and other Sufis
Khalil Gibran's The Prophet Beautiful!
Khalil Gibran Poem written for young Syrian Americans
Jalaluddin Rumi Biography and poems
Life of Mevlana Rumi
Rumi's Life
Mevlana Rumi's Poetry Including Fihi ma Fihi, Divan and others
Mevlana Rumi's poems
Rumi's Page
Rumi's Poetry
Darvish Sufi Sources
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
More Nusrat
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Homepage
Poems, Urdu Ghazals Iqbal, Faiz, and others
Islamic Culture
Attar's Conference of the Birds Painting, worth the wait!
Shiraz, city of roses and poets
Iqbal, Ghalib and other Ghazals
Other Links
My Home Page
Friend on the web with stories and poetry
Another friend with Islamic links
Nazli's Poetry Page
Go ahead, get a job at Saudi Aramco!
Hajeri's Islam Page with Links Galore
Favorite Sites
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Imam Shah Karim Aga Khan IV| 48th
Imam Mowlana Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III | Hazrat
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