Imam Hazrat Ali Collection on Ismaili Web
Imam Hazrat Ali | Ismaili Web Amaana
- History
- Panj Tan Paak Page
- Mubahila
- Ahl-al Bayt People of the House (of the Prophet)
- Hazrat Ali’s vicegerency pronounced at Ghadir e Khumm
- Eid-e Ghadir – Declaration at Gadhir e Khumm, Prophet Muhammad
- Gadhir Khumm Eid-e Gadhir, Hajjatul Wida – Last Sermon by Prophet Muhammad
- Yaum-e Ali – Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Lunar Anniversary
- Significance of Ya Ali Madad and Naad-e Ali! May Ali Help You and Invoke Ali!
- Imam Hazrat Ali’s Letter to Malik Ashtar Governor of Egypt
- Dr Reza Shah-Kazemi delivers the 2010 Yawm-e Ali lecture at the Ismaili Centre, London
- Sayings of Imam Hazrat Ali
- Nawruz Persian New Year – Eid Mubarak!
- Appoints Imam Ali as His Successor
- I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate – Ana madinatu’l-ilm wa Ali babuha
- Imam Hazrat Ali and the Quran by Reza Shah Kazemi
- Imamate in Isma’ilism
- Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad attributed to Imam Hazrat Ali
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- Imam Hazrat Ali and the Quran
Navroz March 21st – Sultan Newruz – Imam Hazrat Ali’s Solar Birthday Anniversary!
Naad-e Ali and Ya Ali Madad Significance
Hazrat Ali’s Judgement
Hazrat Ali’s Famous Epistle To Malik Ashtar, Governor of Egypt
Prophet Muhammad’s Collection
Shiabu’d-din Shah’s Risala Dar Haqiqati Din on Ahl-e Bayt
Qadi Numan’s Majalis
Majalis-ul Muayyadiya – Life and Lectures of Al Muayyad fid-din Shirazi
Poetry by Al Muayyad and Ibn Hani regarding the Progeny of Muhammad
Poetry by Nasir Khusraw
Ismailis believe in the Living Imam of the Age and that is why I feature the following links to portray how our Lord & Present Imam – Mowlana Hazar Imam’s Imamat Day and Birthday are celebrated over the world. Our Holy Prophet said: Oh Ali! very soon I will be departing this world, but You will guide the children of Adam till the Day of Judgement. All-Merciful Allah puts in Your Blessed hands the fate of this world and the next!
Imamat Day Mubarak! – year 2012 – 55th Anniversary Khushiali Mubarak! Rejoice!
Mowlana Hazar Imam’s Birthday A most joyous event for all Ismailis!
Nahjul Balagha
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