Nawruz Mubarak Everyone! Rejoice!
March 21st is Imam Hazrat Ali‘s solar birthday anniversary! Please read on the following pages to see how important this New Year celebration is for the Ismailis and the whole Universe, especially since this yea
r it falls on the New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse on this Equinox day! How Divine!
I am especially happy as this Navroz will be the 21st anniversary of on March 21st 2015!
If Nawruz is a festival of joy and delight,
it is through your light that it has come to be so.— Prince Amir Tamim al-Fatimi, son of Imam al-Muiz
“Factually the number of months in the eyes of God, in the Book of God from the day He created the earth and the heaven, are twelve.” The Quran – 9:36
Here are the eve
nts that took place on this amazing day as enumerated by Imam Jafar as Sadiq, Hazrat Ali’s great grandson, in the summary below, source – Muhammad Bakir Majlisi in his Bihar al-Anwar:
God made a covenant with the souls before creation
Nowruz marks the first day when the universe started its motion
Adam was created
Prophet Abraham destroyed the pagan idols that were being worshiped by his father and others
The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.), the night of Layla tul Qadr – Night of Power
Prophet Muhammad took Hazrat Ali on his shoulders to smash 360 idols in Mecca
Prophet Muhammad declared Ali as his legitimate successor at Gadhir-e Khumm
Hazrat Ali was born on Navroz (on the solar calendar, the lunar Muslim calendar had not yet been established until the Hijra, the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Medina) in the Kaaba that was built by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismael (Ibrahim and Ismail)
Hazrat Salman Farsi, Al-Fars (Salman the Persian) converted to Islam on Navroz and used to prepare special sufro (offering of food and sweets) on the day of Navroz for Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Ali.
“O you who believe! When you consult the Apostle, then offer something in offering (mehmani, sufro) before your consultation; that is better for you and purer; but if you do not find (the means), then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful” – Quran 58.12
The famous poet, Ibn Hani (d. 362/973) has composed many verses glorifying Imam al-Muizz. As we celebrate Navroz, this year I would like to dedicate the following verses to Mowlana Hazar Imam:
“You are Ma’ad, the heir of all the world, and this destiny is finally declared.”
“God’s knowledge is not veiled from you, whereas it is screened from all people”
“He who named you the best Caliph, is subjecting fate to your desire.”
“O Fatimids, you are the friends of God and you are His kin. In His world you are His righteous agents.”
“He inherited the world from two fathers: Muhammad and Ali.”
– Source of above – “Diwan”, Cairo, 1271 A.H.
“You are the Spirit because
your image is shaped from
the spiritual world of your Lord
and supported by knowledge.“I swear that if the world did
not call you a caliph,
they would certainly have
called you a second Messiah.”
– Proof of God“He is the intercessor for
the community which follows him,
just as his forefathers
were for their forefathers.“He is the trusted of God
among His servants on earth,
if at all the trusted can
be counted in His country.”
– Heaven on Earth

Navroz Page from 2012 Navroz page from 2012
Navroz Mubarak Navroz page from 1999
Eid-e Navroz Navroz page from 1998
Eid e Navroz – Persian New Year
An ode for Imam-e-Zaman — Nadim Pabani
Imam Hazrat Ali | Ismaili Web Amaana
- Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Yaum-e Ali – Falls on Monday June 4th 2012, his solar birthday anniversary falls on Navroz March 21st – Sultan Newruz – Imam Hazrat Ali’s Solar Birthday Anniversary!
Navroz Pages
Nawruz Festival
Navroz Page from 2011
Navroz Page from 2008
Navroz Page from 1998