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Nasr Min Allah wa Fath Qarib
Help from God and Victory Very Near - Quran 61:13
Sura 110 Nasr--Help 1. Idzaa ja'aa nasrullahi walfath
2. Wa ra'aytan naasa yadkhuluuna fee deenilla hi afwaajaa
3. Fasabbih bi hamdi Rabbika wastaghfirhu innahuu kaan tawwabaaWhen comes the help of Allah and victory
And you do see the people enter God's religion in crowds
Celebrate the praises of your Lord and pray for His forgiveness: for he is oft-returningThis page has been inspired by another Ismaili and I dedicate it to him.
The Calligraphy on this page depicts a popular saying of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)"A believer is a mirror to another believer"
La Fatah Illa Ali, La Saif Illa Zhu Faqar There is no Victory Except Ali, No Sword Except the Lord of the Meek
Nasr Min Allah wa Fath Qarib
Help from God and Victory Very Near
Quran 61:13Translation by Yusuf Ali
Sura 1 Al Fatiha--The Opening 1. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
2. Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil aalameen
3. Ar rahmaanir raheem
4. Maaliki yaumid deen
5. Iyaaka na budu wa iyyaaka nasta een
6. Ihdinaas siraatal mustaqeem
7. Siraatal ladzeena an amta alayhim Ghayril maghduubi alayhim wa laad daalleen1. With the name of Allah most gracious, most merciful
2. All praise is due to Allah cherisher and sustainer of the worlds
3. Most gracious, most merciful
4. Master of the day of Judgement
5. You alone do we worship your aid do we seek
6. Guide us to the straight path
7. The way of those who have won thy favor
8. Those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astraySura 87 Suuratu A'alaa--The Most High 1. Sabbih Ismarabbikal A'alaa
2. Alladhee khalaqa fasawwaa
3. Walladhee qaddara fahadaa
4. Walladhee akhrajal mar'aa
5. Faja'alahuu ghuthaa'an ahwaa
6. Sanuqriuka falaa tansaa
7. Ill maa shaa Allah innihu ya'alamul jahra wa maa yakhfaa.
8. Wa nuyassiruka lilyusraa.
9. Fadhakkir in nafa'aatidhdhikraa
10. Sayadhhak karu man yakhshaa.
11. Wa yatajannabuhaal ashqaa.
12. Alldhee yaslaan naaral kubraa.
13. Thumma laa yamuutu feehaa wa laa yahyaa.
14. Qad aflaha man tazakkaa.
15. Wa dhakarasma rabbihi Fasallaa.
16. Bal tuuthiruunal hayaatad dunyaa.
17. Wal aakhiratu khairun wa abqaa.
18. Inna haadhaa lafee suhufil uulaa.
19. Suhufi Ibraahema wa Muusaa.1. Glorify the name of your guardian Lord Most High
2. Who has created and further given order and proportion
3. Who has ordained laws, and granted guidance
4. And who brings out the green and luscious pasture
5. and then makes it but swarthy stubble
6. By degrees shall we teach you to declare the message so you shall not forget,
7. Except as Allah wills: For he knows what is manifest and what is hidden.
8. And we will make it easy for you-the simple.
9. Therefore give admonition in case the admonition profits the hearer.
10. The admonition will be received by those who fear Allah.
11. But it will be avoided by those most unfortunate ones.
12. Who will enter the great fire,
13. In which they will neither die nor live.
14. But those who prosper will purify themselves,
15. And glorify the name of their Guardian Lord, and lift their hearts in Prayer.
16. No behold you prefer the life of this world.
17. But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.
18. And this is in the books of the earliest
19. The books of Abraham and Moses.Sura 91 Shams--The Sun 1. Wash shamsi wa duhaahaa
2. Wal qamari idzaa talaahaa
3. Wan nahaari idzaa jallaahaa
4. Wal layli idzaa yaguhshaahaa
5. Was samaa'i wa maa banaahaa
6. Wal ardi wa maa tahaahaa
7. Wa nafsin wa maa sawwaahaa
8. Fa'alhamahaa fujuurahaa wataqwaahaa
9. Qa d aflaha man zakkaahaa
10. Wa qad khaaba man dassaahaa
11. Kadzdzabat thamuudu bitagh waahaa
12. idzin ba'atha ashqaahaa
13. faqaala lahum rasuulullaahi naaqatallaahi wa suqyaahaa
14. Fakadzdzabuuhu fa'aqaruuhaa fadamdama 'alayhim Rabbuhum bidzanbihim fasawwaahaa
15. Wa laa yakhaafu 'uqbaahaa1. By the sun in his glorious splendour;
2. By the moon as she follows him;
3. By the day as it shows up (the sun's) glory;
4. By the night as it conceals it;
5. By the firmamant and its wonderful structure;
6. By the earth and its (wide) expanse;
7. By the soul, and the proportion and order given to it;
8. And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;
9. Truly he succeeds that purifies it,
10. And he fails that corrupts it!
11. The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrongdoing.
12. Behold the most wicked man among them was deputed (for impiety).
13. But the apostle of Allah said to them: "It is a she-camel of Allah! and (bar her not from) having her drink!"
14. Then they rejected him , and they hamstrung her. So their Lord on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them equal(in destruction, high and low)!
15. And for Him is no fear of its consequences.Sura 97 Qadr--The Night of Power 1. Inaa anzalnaahu fee Laylatil Qadr
2. Wa maa 'adraaka ma Laylatul Qadr
3. Laylatul Qadri khayrun min alfi shahr
4. Tannazzalul malaa'ikatu war ruuhu feehaa bi'idzni rabbihim min kulli amr
5. Sallaamun hiya hattaa matla il fajrWe have indeed revealed this message in the Night of Power
And what will explain to you what the Night of Power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
In it come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand.
Peace! This until the rise of MornSura 103 Asr--Time Through the Ages 1. Wal asr 2. Innal insaana lafi khusr
3. Illaal ladzeena aamanuu
wa amiluus saalihaati wa tawaasaw bil haqqi wa tawaasaw bis sabrBy the token of time through the ages
Truly man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and join together in the mutual teaching of truth and of patience and constancy108 Sura Kauthar--Abundance 1. Inna a'taynaakal kawthar
2. Fasalli li Rabbika wanhar
3. Inna shaani aka huwal abtarTo you We granted the Fount of abundance
Therefore to your Lord turn in Prayer and sacrifice
For he who hates you, he will be cut offSura 109 Kafirun--Those who Reject Faith 1. Qul yaa ayuhal kaafiruun
2. Laa abudu maa tabuduun
3. Walaa antum a'abiduuna ma a'bud
4. Walaa ana a'abidum maa abadttum
5. Walaa antum aabiduun maa a'bud
6. Lakum deenakum waliya deenSay: O you who reject faith!
I worship not that which you worship,
Nor will you worship that which I worship,
And I will not worship that which you have
been wont to worship, Nor will you worship that which I worship.
To you be your way, and to me mine.Sura 110 Nasr--Help 1. Idzaa ja'aa nasrullahi walfath
2. Wa ra'aytan naasa yadkhuluuna fee deenilla hi afwaajaa
3. Fasabbih bi hamdi Rabbika wastaghfirhu innahuu kaan tawwabaaWhen comes the help of Allah and victory
And you do see the people enter God's religion in crowds
Celebrate the praises of your Lord and pray for His forgiveness: for he is oft-returningSura 111 Lahab--The Father of Flame 1. Tabbat yadaa' Abee Lahabin watabb
2. Maa 'aghnaa anhu mala u wamaa kasab
3. Sa-yaslaa naran dzaat lahab
4. Wamra-atuhu hammalatal hatab
5. Fee jeedihaa hablum mim-masadPerish the hands of the father of Flame!
Perish He! No profit to him from all his wealth and all his gains
Burnt soon will he be in a fire of blazing flame!
His wife shall carry the crackling wood as fuel!
A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her own neck!Sura 112 Iklas--The Purity 1. Qul hu allahu ahad
2. Allahus samad
3. Lam yulid wa lam yulad
4. wa lam yaqul lahu kufuwan ahadSay He is Allah the one and only
He is eternal absolute
He begets not nor is He begotten
and there is none like HimSura 113 Falaq--The Dawn 1. Qul a uudz birabil Falaq
2. Min sharri ma khalaq
3. Wa min sharri ghasiqin i zaa waqab
4. Wa min sharrin naffaasati fil uqad
5. Wa min sharri haasidin idzaa hasadSay: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
From the mischief of created things;
From the mischief of darkness as it overspreads
From the mischief of those who practice secret arts
And from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envySura 114 Nas--Mankind 1. Qul a'uudz bi Rabbin nas
2. Malikin naas
3. Illahin naas
4. Min sharril was wasil khanaas
5. Alladzee yuwaswisu fee suduurin naas
6. Mina jinnatti wan naasSay: I seek refuge with the Lord of Mankind
The King (or Ruler) of Mankind
The God (or Judge) of Mankind
From the mischief of the whisperer of evil
who withdraws (after his whisper)
The same who whispers into the hearts of Mankind among Jinns and among men.
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