Rajab 13th is Hazrat Ali‘s birthday anniversary. This day is celebrated throughout the Muslim world with great veneration.
“Ali, the son of Abu Talib and the cousin of the Prophet was born on Friday, the 13th Rajab in the 28th year of A’am al-fil (the year of elephants) or 600 A.D. inside Kaba in Mecca. He was brought up under the subtle care and affection of the Prophet. Ali himself cherished the memory of his childhood by saying: “The Prophet brought me up in his own arms and fed me with his own morsel. I followed him, wherever he went, like a baby-camel which follows its mother. Each day a new aspect of his character would beam out of his noble person and I would accept it and follow it as commanded.” Ibn Abid Hadid (d. 655/1257) quotes Ibn Abbas as relating that the Prophet and Ali loved each other intensely. The Prophet was so fond of Ali that once when Ali was a young boy, he sent him out on some errand, and Ali took long time to return; he started getting worried and prayed to God, “O’ Lord, do not let me die unless I behold Ali once again.” Ahmad bin Hanbal
You must have already visited my Naad-e Ali page wherein you’ll find more interesting material to help you in celebrating this auspicious day with your families and friends and offer thanks to God in unison for Allah’s Grace upon us.
Born inside the Holy Kaaba in Mecca on Friday the 13th Rajab, 30 Amulfeel, (year of the Elephant) March 21, 600 A.D. on Navroz. His father was Hazrat Abu Talib, his mother was Bibi Fatima Binte Asad, his wife was Bibi Fatima Binte Muhammad and he was the father of Hazrat Hassan (AS), Imam Hussein (AS), Bibi Zaynab (AS) and Bibi Kulthum (AS) – the Panj Tan Paak
“O Messenger (Prophet), deliver to the people what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do not do so then you will not have delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people. For God does not guide those who reject Faith.” Ya ‘ayyuhar Rasoolu ballig maa unzila ilayka mir-Rabbik. Wa illam taf’al famaa ballagta Risaa latah. Wallaahu ya’simuka minan naas. Innal’laaha laa yahdilqawmal kaafiriin. Quran 5:67
The foregoing verse was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in 632 A.C., before he called a halt at Ghadir Khumm, 3 months before his demise. The Prophet thence declared “‘Man Kuntu Mawlahu fa haza Aliyun Mawlahu (audio)‘ – ‘He of whomever I am the Master-Lord (Mawla), Ali is his Master-Lord (Mawla). Prophet Muhammad had been discoursing all the other revelations among the Muslims regarding the tenets and practice of the faith and about material life, and what could this verse of surpassing urgency mean and why was he admonished that if he did not reveal that message then his mission would be unfulfilled! Why had he been warned so strongly by Allah to deliver the message right away.
According to Shia Muslim tradition, Prophet Muhammad had been apprehensive about declaring his own son-in-law and cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib, as his spiritual (Amirul Momineen, Commander of the believers) and secular (Caliph, King) heir, for fear that it would divide the nascent muslim community and in the above revelation God reassures him. Prophet Muhammad felt great relief upon accomplishment of his mission and thereupon received the final revelation: “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3. Several verses in the Quran speak about the Light of God and Rope of Imamat which is a continuous chain (Hablillah) since Hazrat Adam, through all the Prophets including, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and after him through the hereditary Imams. For further knowledge, refer to The Religion of My Ancestors by Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan III.
- Imam Hazrat Ali Quotes and Memes
- Yaum-e Ali – Imam Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Anniversary
- Gadhir Khumm Eid-e Gadhir, Hajjatul Wida – Last Sermon by Prophet Muhammad
- Imam Hazrat Ali’s Letter to Malik Ashtar Governor of Egypt
- Prophet Muhammad Appoints Imam Ali as His Successor
- I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate – Ana madinatu’l-ilm wa Ali babuha
- Ali is the Lord of those whose Lord I am! – Man Kunto Mowla
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad attributed to Imam Hazrat Ali
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- The Imams, The Holy!
- Beyond Polemics and Pluralism: The Universal Message of the Qur’an — Reza Shah-Kazemi
- Ta’wil of the Tragedy of Karbala — Ashura and Arbaeen, Symbols for Upholding the Truth
- Arbaeen, 20 Million Pilgrims Walk to Karbala in Unison and Peace Today — December 13, 2014
- Islam – The Religion of Equality — Prince Aly Khan
- Nowruz, Navroz Mubarak!
- The Holy Quran in the Ginanic Literature – Rashida Noormohamed-Hunzai
- Ismaili Theology: The Prophetic Chain and the God Beyond Being — Wilferd Madelung
- Imam Hazrat Ali Collection | Ismaili Web Amaana
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