Eid ul Fitr is the culmination of the 30 days of fasting at the end of the sacred month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. During this month, Muslims focus on devotional and spiritual practices to strengthen their connection with God and these rituals include reading the Holy Quran, prayers for fellow Muslims and for the worldwide community for peace, justice and equality for all humanity. On the 23rd of Ramadan, Layla tul Qadr, the Night of Power, is celebrated. This is the night when Islam was born, when Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God via Angel Gabriel which was the first verse of the Quran and he kept getting these messages for 23 years of his life. This year Ramadan 1445 AH started on March 11, 2024 and Eid will be celebrated on Wednesday April 10th upon sighting of the moon anywhere in the world.
Eid ul-Fitr is the Arabic name of this religious holiday. Eid meaning “festivity” and Fitr meaning “original nature.” Fitra refers to the returning to our Godly nature, to make our selves worthy of merging with God as we have been created in His image.
Astronomical calculations by the Qatar Calendar House (QCH) and Kuwaiti Al-Ojairi Scientific Center set April 10th, 2024, as the starting date of this year’s Eid Al-Fitr. According to the Islamic Hijri calendar, months begin and end depending on the movement of the moon in its orbit around the Earth. Gregorian months are determined by the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the sun. Over 600 mosques in Qatar will be hosting Eid Prayers at 5:45am, at dawn. In Turkey it is called Ramazan Bayramı (Ramadan Feast) takes its name from Ramadan. Şeker Bayramı (Sugar Feast) as a lot of sweet dishes are prepared and served including Baklava and others. The devout celebrate after having completed the month of fasting, charitable giving, pious deeds and prayers, successfully and vow to carry on the good and ethical works all year in helping others and bringing about justice, equality and peace. Many Muslims give to charitable organizations to help the less fortunate as they believe that what they give will bring hope and succor to others and God will multiply their abundance manifold. Starting with the morning prayers on the first day of the month of Shawwal, which follows Ramadan, greetings are exchanged by loving and joyous hugs and children are given an Eidi, a gift of money followed by great rejoicing, sharing food and having picnics.
Eid ul Fitr is the culmination of the 30 days of fasting at the end of the sacred month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. During this month, Muslims focus on devotional and spiritual practices to strengthen their connection with God and these rituals include reading the Holy Quran, prayers for fellow Muslims and for the worldwide community for peace, justice and equality for all humanity. On the 23rd of Ramadan, Layla tul Qadr, the Night of Power, is celebrated. This is the night when Islam was born, when Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God via Angel Gabriel which was the first verse of the Quran and he kept getting these messages for 23 years of his life.
I have covered in more detailed information on Ramadan, Eid, and Layla tul Qadr on my previous articles, enumerated in the links below.
Eid Celebrations
- Eid ul-Fitr Ramadan Kareem – Eid Mubarak!
- Eid-e Ghadir – Declaration at Gadhir e Khumm
- Eid ul Adha – Abraham and Ishmael Festival of Offering
- Nowruz Persian New Year – Eid Mubarak!
- Muslim Celebrations – Comprehensive List Muslim Holidays and Festivals
- Eid ul-Fitr Ramadan Kareem – Eid Mubarak!
- Layla tul Qadr – The Night of the Revelation of the Quran
- Miraj Articles Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension
- Welcome Blessed Month of Ramadan 2023!
- Nowruz Persian New Year Navroz Mubarak!
- Layla tul Qadr – The Night of Power 23rd of Ramadan – August 11, 2012 page
- Layla tul Qadr – The Night of Power and Destiny 23 of Ramadan – July 30, 2013
- The Month of Ramadan is Here!
- Miraj wa Isra – Ascension and Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad
- Prophet Muhammad – The Most Influential Man in History
- Mohammad Prophet of Islam
- Milad-e Nabi – Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday – Milad-un Nabi Maulid Mevlid
- Significance of the celebration of the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
- Eid-e Ghadir – Declaration at Gadhir e Khumm, Prophet Muhammad Appoints Imam Ali as His Successor
- The Prophet of Islam and the Spirit of Tolerance
- I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate – Ana madinatu’l-ilm wa Ali babuha
- Miraj wa Isra – Ascension and Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad
- Quran Collection on the Ismaili Web
- Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad attributed to Imam Hazrat Ali
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- Hadith Kudsi
- Imam Hazrat Ali and the Quran
- Recollecting the Spirit of Jihad
- Imamat Day Mubarak! – year 2012 – 55th Anniversary Khushiali Mubarak! Rejoice!
- Mowlana Hazar Imam’s Birthday A most joyous event for all Ismailis!
- Prophet Muhammad’s Collection
- Imam Hazrat Ali Collection
Ya Ali Madad!
Nice written for Eid ul Fitr is the culmination of the 30 days of fasting at the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. Iam so glad!