Yaum-e Ali Mubarak! Imam Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Anniversary!
“And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life” Holy Quran 19:15
“Notice that the virtues endorsed by Hazrat Ali are qualities which subordinate the self and emphasize others – modesty, patience, humility, forbearance and consultation. What he thus is telling us, is that we find knowledge best by admitting first what it is we do not know, and by opening our minds to what others can teach us.” His Highness the Aga Khan, Speech in Cairo, June 25, 2006
Did you know that Father’s day in Iran is celebrated on the 13th of Rajab, which is Imam Ali’s birthday. (This year 2017 is year 1446 in the Hijri Islamic calendar. His birthday anniversary falls on Sunday January 12, 2025.) Imam Ali is the first Imam for Shia Muslims through whom descended all the Imams and also the lineal descents of all the Sufi orders originated in Imam Ali’s spiritual tradition. Let us honor him by remembering his many contributions to our tradition and why Prophet Muhammad showered him with so many sayings, Hadith, for Imam Hazrat Ali.
You must have already visited my Naad-e Ali page wherein you’ll find more interesting material to help you in celebrating this auspicious day with your families and friends and offer thanks to God in unison for Allah’s Grace upon us.
Born inside the Holy Kaaba in Mecca on Friday the 13th Rajab, 30 Amulfeel, (year of the Elephant) March 21, 600 A.D. on Navroz. His father was Hazrat Abu Talib, his mother was Bibi Fatima Binte Asad who had gone to offer prayers at the Kaaba where Imam Hazrat Ali was born, Masha’Allah! His wife was Bibi Fatima, daughter of Prophet Muhammad and he was the father of Hazrat Hassan (AS), Imam Hussein (AS), Bibi Zaynab (AS) and Bibi Kulthum (AS). Please read the Panj Tan Paak page for more information.
Did you also know that Imam Ali was born on Navroz, March 21, 600 A.D., his solar birthday anniversary? Navroz falls on the first day of the month of Farvardin, the first month of the Persian calendar which equates to March 21 on the Gregorian calendar. Imam Ali was born on Friday March 21, 600 A.D. on the solar calendar and for Muslims, this is of immense importance. Most Sufi orders trace their lineage back to Imam Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu Talib (a.s) and that is why the greeting “Sultan Nevruz” is exchanged on this occasion, Sultan means King.
Here are the events that took place on this amazing day of March 21st throughout history as enumerated by Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, Hazrat Ali’s great grandson, in the summary below (source – Muhammad Bakir Majlisi in his Bihar al-Anwar):
- God made a covenant with the souls before creation
- Nowruz marks the first day when the universe started its motion
- Adam was created on this day
- Prophet Abraham destroyed the pagan idols that were being worshiped by his father and others
- The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.), on the night of Layla tul Qadr – Night of Power
- Prophet Muhammad took Hazrat Ali on his shoulders to bring down the 360 idols in Mecca
- Prophet Muhammad declared Ali as his legitimate successor at Gadhir-e Khumm
- Hazrat Salman Farsi, Al-Fars (Salman the Persian) converted to Islam on Navroz and used to prepare special sufro (offering of food and sweets) on the day of Navroz for Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hazrat Ali.
Add to the above, Hazrat Ali was born in the Kaaba that was built by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismael (Ibrahim and Ismail) on Navroz Friday March 21, 600 A.D. (in the solar calendar, the lunar Muslim calendar had not yet been established until the Hijra, the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Medina) . *

His birthday is of significance in the heavens and the earth as the sun and the moon have much influence on our life on earth. Many verses, ayats, in the Quran speak of the orbits and the cycles of the planetary bodies upon our life and we are endowed with a Lord who embodies those properties in our spiritual world! Masha’Allah!
“The Sun and the Moon follow exactly computed courses.” Quran 55:5
“Allah enlightens the sun and effulgent moon and created stations for the moon’s movement so that you can keep the counting and records of years”. Quran
Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said about Imam Hazrat Ali:
‘You will see your Lord as you see the moon on the night when it is full.’
‘You are from me and I am from you (anta minni wa ana minka).’
‘Truly, ‘Ali is from me and I am from him (inna ‘Ali minni wa ana minhu), and he is the wali (patron/spiritual master) of every believer after me.’
‘Ali is with the Qur’an and the Qur’an is with ‘Ali. They will not separate from each other until they return to me at the [paradisal pool] (al–hawd).’
‘O ‘Ali, you are a leader (sayyid) in the world and the Hereafter. Your beloved is my beloved, and my beloved is the beloved of God; your enemy is my enemy, and my enemy is the enemy of God. Woe be to those who hate you after me [after I have passed away].’
He it is Who sent His Apostle with the guidance and the true religion that He may make it prevail over all the religions; and Allah is enough for a witness.” Quran 48:28
“One of the central elements of the Islamic faith is the inseparable nature of faith and world. [Din and Dunya] The two are so deeply intertwined that one cannot imagine their separation. They constitute a “Way of Life.” The role and responsibility of an Imam, therefore, is both to interpret the faith to the community, and also to do all within his means to improve the quality, and security, of their daily lives. I am fascinated and somewhat frustrated when representatives of the Western world — especially the Western media — try to describe the work of our Aga Khan Development Network in fields like education, health, the economy, media, and the building of social infrastructure. Reflecting a certain historical tendency of the West to separate the secular from the religious, they often describe it either as philanthropy or entrepreneurship. What is not understood is that this work is for us a part of our institutional responsibility — it flows from the mandate of the office of Imam to improve the quality of worldly life for the concerned communities.
“Our spiritual understandings, like those of your Academy, are rooted, of course, in ancient teachings. In the case of Islam, there are two touchstones which I have long treasured and sought to apply. The first affirms the unity of the human race, as expressed in the Holy Qur’an where God, as revealed through the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, says the following:
O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from the twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. (Quran 4:1)
“This remarkable verse speaks both of the inherent diversity of mankind — the “multitude” — and of the unity of mankind — the “single soul created by a single Creator” — a spiritual legacy which distinguishes the human race from all other forms of life.”
— His Highness the Aga Khan’s Acceptance Speech – Tutzing Evangelical Academy’s ‘Tolerance’ Award – Tutzing, Germany May 20, 2006 – this is an amazing speech, read full version here
In the Holy Quran, God outlines that everyone who strives for virtue and right action will be led back to Him through their faith as our primordial nature, the Fitra, is to seek a way back to our origin, to merge into God, we have been hard-wired to know God, a veritable theme in the Quran. “Every man is born as Muslim by nature (Fitrah).” — Quran 21:18
“Truly those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabeans (the Persians), whoever believes in God and the Last Day and is virtuous, surely their reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, neither shall they grieve.” Quran 2:62
Even though Islam is being maligned post-9/11, it is very clear from the verse above that the same God, the Almighty, is the originator of Islam, as He is of the all the religions. In the Quran we are asked to follow our faith and way as the right path to Him. As Ismailis, we follow the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his progeny. See what Allah says in the Quran:
For each (religion), We have appointed for you a Law and a Way shiraatan wa minhajan. Had God willed, He could have made you one community. But that He might try you by that which He hath given you [you are born into a faith]. So vie with one another in good works. Unto God you will all return, and He will inform you of that wherein you differed.” Quran 5:48
Unto each community We have given sacred rites mansakan which they are to perform; so let them not dispute with thee about the matter, but summon them unto thy Lord.” Quran 22:67
“Verily thou art a warner and for every people there is a guide.” Quran 13:7
Ismailis believe in the Living Imam of the Age and that is why I feature the following links to portray how our Lord & Present Imam – Mowlana Hazar Imam’s Imamat Day and Birthday are celebrated over the world. Our Holy Prophet said: Oh Ali! very soon I will be departing this world, but You will guide the children of Adam till the Day of Judgement. All-Merciful Allah puts in Your Blessed hands the fate of this world and the next!
Alhamduli’Llah! We are so blessed!
Imamat Day Mubarak! – year 2012 – 55th Anniversary Khushiali Mubarak! Rejoice!
Mowlana Hazar Imam’s Birthday A most joyous event for all Ismailis!
*Below from Ismaili.net
Birth of Hazrat Ali – 600AD
Mowlana Ali was born on the 13th of Rajab, 22 years before the Hijra (600AD) within the sacred walls of the Holy Ka’ba – a birthplace that is exclusive to him as no one else was born there ever since its erection by Prophet Abraham. His mother, Sayyida Fatima, daughter of Asad bin Hashem, related that at birth he neither cried nor opened his eyes, and even refused to be fed. This lasted for three days, until the Prophet Muhammed came to see his young nephew, who then opened his eyes and smiled as the Prophet took the child lovingly into his arms. Ever since this intimate moment they remained together throughout their lives, until their physical separation at the time of the Holy Prophet’s death (Aziz, 1974).
Related Links
- Yaum-e Ali – Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Lunar Anniversary
- Yaum-e Ali Imam Hazrat Ali’s Birthday Anniversary page April 2017
- Nawruz Persian New Year – Eid Mubarak! Solar Birthday Anniversary
- Panj Tan Paak Page
- Mubahila
- Ahl-al Bayt People of the House (of the Prophet)
- Hazrat Ali’s vicegerency pronounced at Ghadir e Khumm
- Eid-e Ghadir – Declaration at Gadhir e Khumm, Prophet Muhammad
- Imam and Imamat — Allama Hunzai
- Love for Imam Ali in the Quran and Sunnah
- Importance of Imam Ali for All Muslims – Reza Shah Kazemi
- Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib — 1st Imam
- Imam Ali and the Power of Compassion — Dr. Reza Shah-Kazemi
- Significance of Ya Ali Madad and Naad-e Ali! May Ali Help You and Invoke Ali!
- Lady Fatima Zahra, Prophet Muhammad’s Daughter
- Coffin of Imam Ali from Falnama of Jafar al-Sadiq
- Sayings of Imam Hazrat Ali
- Hadith Kudsi
- Fourteen Proofs of the Necessity of lmamat — Kirmani
- Philosophical Significance of the Imam in Ismailism
- Imam Hazrat Ali the Great!
- Ismaili Imams History
- Prophet Muhammad | Ismaili Web Amaana
- Prophet Muhammad Birthday Mevlut
- Significance of the celebration of the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
- Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad attributed to Imam Hazrat Ali
- Imam Hazrat Ali and the Quran by Reza Shah Kazemi
- Gadhir Khumm Eid-e Gadhir, Hajjatul Wida – Last Sermon by Prophet Muhammad
- Imam Hazrat Ali’s Letter to Malik Ashtar Governor of Egypt
- Prophet Muhammad Appoints Imam Ali as His Successor
- I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate – Ana madinatu’l-ilm wa Ali babuha
- Ali is the Lord of those whose Lord I am! – Man Kunto Mowla
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad attributed to Imam Hazrat Ali
- Dam Hama Dam Ali Ali Qasida
- The Imams, The Holy!
- Beyond Polemics and Pluralism: The Universal Message of the Qur’an — Reza Shah-Kazemi
- Ta’wil of the Tragedy of Karbala — Ashura and Arbaeen, Symbols for Upholding the Truth
- Arbaeen, 20 Million Pilgrims Walk to Karbala in Unison and Peace Today — December 13, 2014
- Islam – The Religion of Equality — Prince Aly Khan
- Nowruz, Navroz Mubarak!
- The Holy Quran in the Ginanic Literature – Rashida Noormohamed-Hunzai
- Ismaili Theology: The Prophetic Chain and the God Beyond Being — Wilferd Madelung
- Imam Hazrat Ali | Ismaili Web Amaana
- The Present and Living Mowlana Hazar Imam Aga Khan’s 78th Birthday – December 13, 2014
- Nahj al-Balagha – Peak of Eloquence – the Writings of Imam Hazrat Ali
- The Letter of Imam ‘Ali to Malik al-Ashtar
- Imam Hazrat Ali’s Sermon’s and Letters
- View the Sermons in English/Arabic in a frames-based interface for easy navigationDownload Sermons 1-239 with embedded font that preserves special transliterated characters (MS Word 6.0).Download Letters 1-79 with embedded font that preserves special transliterated characters (MS Word 6.0).
“Verily! In the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment.” – Quran, 13:28 Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad: ‘Ali is ‘as my own soul’ (ka-nafsi). He said to ‘Ali, ‘You are from me and I am from you (anta minni wa ana minka).’ ‘Truly, ‘Ali is from me and I am from him (inna ‘Ali minni wa ana minhu), and he is the wali (patron/spiritual master) of every believer after me.’ Hazrat Ali 12. When some blessings come to you, do not drive them away through thanklessness. 13. He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers. Imam Ali Sayings Imam Jaffer Sadiq لاَ يَكُونُ شَيْءٌ فِي اْلاَرْضِ وَلا فِي السَّمَاءِ إِلاَّ بِهذِهِ الْخِصَالِ السَّبْعِ: بِمَشيئَةٍ وَ إِرادَةٍ وَقَدَرٍ وَقَضَاءٍ وَ إِذْنٍ وَكِتابٍ وَأَجَلٍ. فَمَنْ زَعَمَ أَنَّهُ يَقْدِرُ عَلى نَقْضٍ وَاحِدَةٍ، فَقَدْ كَفَرَ. “Nothing occurs in this earth and in the heaven except with the following seven stages: Will, intention, destiny, decree, permission, book and implementation. Then whoever thinks that he can reduce any of these stages, then indeed he has disbelieved.” – Imam Jaffer Sadiq, Usul al Kafi, vol. 1, p. 149
Navroz March 21st – Sultan Newruz – Imam Hazrat Ali’s Solar Birthday Anniversary!
Naad-e Ali and Ya Ali Madad Significance
Hazrat Ali’s Judgement
Hazrat Ali’s Famous Epistle To Malik Ashtar, Governor of Egypt
Prophet Muhammad’s Collection
Shiabu’d-din Shah’s Risala Dar Haqiqati Din on Ahl-e Bayt
Qadi Numan’s Majalis
Majalis-ul Muayyadiya – Life and Lectures of Al Muayyad fid-din Shirazi
Poetry by Al Muayyad and Ibn Hani regarding the Progeny of Muhammad
Poetry by Nasir Khusraw
Nahjul Balagha
View the Sermons in English/Arabic in a frames-based interface for easy navigation
Download Sermons 1-239 with embedded font that preserves special transliterated characters (MS Word 6.0).
Download Letters 1-79 with embedded font that preserves special transliterated characters (MS Word 6.0).