Message from the Angels
Channel: Ann Albers, May 28th, 2022
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is a great deal of discussion on your planet these days about truth.On a given topic, the word inspires many perspectives in many different people. You have a thirst for truth, and this thirst is one for a deeper Truth – that you live and labor in love, and that all souls, no matter how awkward or misdirected, are also attempting to live and labor in love.
No matter the “facts” of a situation, the love that lives within and beneath all creation is the deepest Truth. It is the Truth worth acknowledging, the Truth worth centering your life around, and the Truth that will keep you in a vibration above all the lower vibrational 3D-“truths” that abound.
Your quest for truth often turns into a search for the facts of a situation. What actually happened? Who did what to whom? What are the “true” motivations of another? What is “real” in your 3D world? How do you prevent a virus from spreading? Which political leader did what, and why? Why do you feel “off” sometimes and like yourself others? Is it your energy? Your digestion? Your argument with the person you’ll never meet in traffic? Why? What happened? What’s the truth here?…
You could spend your life, dear ones, searching for facts. While this is often a worthy quest and we would certainly never make it wrong, there is one Truth that supersedes all others – one Truth that is always worth searching for. Where is love in this situation? How can I see love and be love?
We know you deeply desire – by virtue of your involvement in the physical world – to search for the facts of a situation. You learn from them. You evolve as a result of wanting to understand your biology, your planet, and your human nature. You find better ways of interacting with one another and the 3D world, as a result of your quest for understanding facts… when you seek those facts with loving intent.
If, however, you seek facts from a fearful or angry intent, then dear ones, no matter where you look, you will find facts to validate your fear, your anger, your suspicions, and all that you resonate with. Far better to seek the facts with loving intent born of a desire to learn, to improve yourself and your world, and to raise yourself above duality into the Oneness of the love that lives and breathes within you all.
As you seek “truth,” look first at whether or not you are seeking the “Truth” of love. Look at whether or not you intend to see through the loving eyes of the Divine, or to find fault with another. Are you seeking to find the good in a situation, and even if you see the “bad” are you willing to be part of a solution? Is your desire to validate your own fear and anger, or is it to find the facts because you love the world so much you want to improve it? Is your desire to make someone wrong, assassinate someone’s character find fault, blame, etc., or rather to understand the thoughts, feelings, and dynamics that have been in place to create a better world?
When you look at the murderer and search for the facts, are you searching for understanding to help prevent such horrific events in the future of humanity, or are you searching for facts to murder this soul with your own hatred?
Dear ones, we know that as of late, the “Truth” of love we are sharing is sometimes difficult to embrace. You have been taught to hate the hateful. You have been taught to find the facts so you can find the faults, and while this may be necessary to keep your social order, why not find the facts so you can seek the soul, and discover the disconnection so you can help reconnect perhaps even one soul, or a family, community, or even a nation with love?
Certainly, you can look at the “facts” and challenge yourself to stay connected with love. No matter how difficult. It is possible. You have not been trained to do so, but your heart and soul crave this connection with love, no matter the facts of the situation around you.
There are many “truths” in your 3D world, in fact, one truth for every person in every given moment in time. That is approximately 7.8 billion truths multiplied many times in a second for the brain processes “reality” very quickly. There are so many 3D “truths” dear ones. So many facts. So many perspectives. So many interpretations.
Are we saying turn a blind eye to the facts? Not at all. We are saying, however, that when you seek the facts with a desire to see the love beneath it all, then you will find the facts that support love, and be guided to solutions to the situations that have arisen from a disconnection to love.
In the 5D paradigm of reality, always and forever, your energy matters more than your actions. The “Truth” of love that lies within and beneath all 3D facts, truths, and perspectives is the one that will lead you to a life that is born of love, created from love, and lived in love.
So seek the facts, and see the facts, and as you do so, do your best to stay aligned with your deepest Truth which is love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
His Highness the Aga Khan spoke of his commitment to the “continuous search for truth in all matters.”

“You have gathered here today to wish me a happy birthday and to reaffirm your loyalty and love to your Imam. My happiness at being with you on this occasion is deep and pure; all my thoughts, all my hopes and all my prayers are for you.
“Since the 11th of July 1957, all my aims and ambitions have been devoted to help and guide my spiritual children in spiritual and worldly matters. The happiness which I have gained from my work, the encouragement to carry more and more responsibility and undertake more and more projects, the continuous search for truth in all matters, all this has been due to you.
“For hundreds of years, my spiritual children have been guided by the rope of Imamat; you have looked to the Imam of the Age for advice and help in all matters and through your Imam’s immense love and affection for his spiritual children, his Noor has indicated to you where and in which direction you must turn, so as to obtain spiritual and worldly satisfaction.” Mowlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan, Farman Mubarak, Karachi, December 13, 1964. Source: Ismaili Mirror, Pak Ismailia Publication, Garden Jamatkhana, 13 December 1974, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 5. Also see Hikmat, Vol II, No. VI, February/March 1986, p. 1.
- Seraphim Collective Message
- Message from the Angels
- His Highness the Aga Khan’s Speech ‘Word of God, Art of Man: The Qur’an and its Creative Expressions’
- Imam Hazrat Ali Quotes and Memes
- Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman — by Diana Steigerwald
- Rumi Quotes and Memes
- Nasir Khusraw Shia Ismaili Muslim Dai and Poet
- Ismaili Heroes
- Nasir Khusraw Collection
- Qadi Numan’s Majalis
- Truth, Reality and Religion
- Faith and Intellect — Diana Steigerwald
- The Mystical Visions of Ibn Arabi – Diana Steigerwald
- Understanding the Quran — Diana Steigerwald