His Highness the Aga Khan Honored by WMF's famous Hadrian Award
His Highness Aga Khan's Speech at the Hadrian Award Presentation
David Rockefeller Speech at Hadrian Award Ceremony
Lord Rothschild's Message to His Highness Aga Khan
Cyrus Vance's Remarks
Michel David-Weil's Address
Message from Lord Rothschild to His Highness The Aga Khan on the Occasion of the Hadrian Award October 25, 1996 May I say as a Jew how particularly delighted I am that you, such a distinguished Moslem, should be receiving this year's Hadrian Award. I convey this message to you with even greater feeling in these troubled times. You follow the great tradition of service in international affairs set by your family, and you have made a major contribution yourself to the growth of Islamic civilization and indeed to the well-being of all Moslems. In addition, your development network with its institutions has worked for the common good of all citizens, regardless of their origin or religion. You cover an extraordinary range from arhcitecture to education, to health, to the promotion of private sector enterprise and rural development. In the particular context of the Hadrian Award you have taken an unstinting interest in cultural issues, perhaps most of all in architecture, where your contribution is appreciated throughout the world. Therefore, I have no hesitation in saying that you unreservedly deserve the accolade that has been given to you today. I only wish that I could have been there with you to join in the celebrations and to congratulate you in person. * * * *Email us
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